Integrate the DeepSeek API into popular softwares
A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js
📝 A curated list of awesome Raspberry Pi tools, projects, images and resources
Rougelite game, made in Cocos Creator
基于Gin + Vue + Element UI & Arco Design & Ant Design 的前后端分离权限管理系统脚手架(包含了:多租户的支持,基础用户管理功能,jwt鉴权,代码生成器,RBAC资源控制,表单构建,定时任务等)3分钟构建自己的中后台项目;项目文档》:https://www.go-admin.pro V2 Demo: https://vue2.go-admin.d…
Blood on the Clocktower virtual grimoire & town square
基于Vue/Vue3,Json Schema 和 ElementUi/antd/iview3/naiveUi 等生成 HTML Form 表单,用于活动编辑器、h5编辑器、cms等数据配置;支持可视化生成表单Schema 。 Generate a form using Vue/Vue3, Json Schema and ElementUi/antdv/iview3/naiveUi
A faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
A canvas based drawing app that you can integrate easily on your website.
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible.
A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity.
《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
Alfred Youdao Translate Workflow
神策数据官方微信小程序埋点 SDK,是一款用于微信小程序端的数据采集埋点 SDK。使用代理的技术实现微信小程序端的全埋点。
My portfolio website simulating macOS's GUI, developed with React and UnoCSS.
<KeepAlive> for umijs base on react-activation