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Electrostatic Potential (ESP) simulation for generating ML datasets


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Electrostatic Potential (ESP) Simulation

Create and activate Conda environment

cd esp_simulation
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate esp_env


  • Most of the packages are common, so you may already have these installed

Generate and save datasets


Example run with all options

python3 \
  # 1. Output options
  --output-path "<path/to/dir>" \         # Ouput directory to save to, defaults to project root
  --output-folder "<folder_name>" \       # Output folder name, required for dataset creation
  --debug                                 # Enables DEBUG level logging, otherwise default is INFO
  # 2. Dataset creation options
  --min-seed 1 \                          # Min RNG seed 
  --max-seed 1000 \                       # Max RNG seed 
  --seed-step 100 \                       # Seeds each core should process at a time (saves memory)
  --ntasks 2 \                            # Number of multiprocessing cores, seeds are divided between core

  # 4. Primary image generation options
  --image-size 32 \                       # Size of one side of the grid image 
  ## 4-A. Mutually Exclusive Options:
  [--conductive-cell-ratio 0.5] \         # Proportion of cells that should be conductive (static)
  [--conductive-cell-prob 0.5] \          # Probability a cell will be conductive or not (random)
  ## 4-B. Mutually Exclusive Options:
  [--conductive-material-range 1,12]  \   # Range to random select count of conductive material types
  [--conductive-material-count 5]  \      # Count of conductive material types to add (static) 

  # 5. Simulation behavior options
  --max-iterations 2000 \                 # Increase/decrease depending on image size and observed simulation behavior
  --convergence-tolerance 1e-6 \          # Tolerance for determining when solution has converged
  --enable-fixed-charges  \               # Charges are fixed instead of free (less variation, different solver)
  --enable-absolute-permittivity          # Alternative to using dielectric constants (uncommon, can ignore)

Example runs with minimal options for creating a dataset

# Outputs: ./hdf5_dataset_1/electrostatic_poisson_32x32_1-1000.hdf5
python3 \
  --output-folder=hdf5_dataset_1 \
  --ntasks=1 \
  --min-seed=1 \                 
  --max-seed=1000 \                    
  --seed-step=100 \ 
  --image-size=32 \ 
  --max-iterations=2500 \
  --conductive-cell-ratio=0.65 \ 

# Outputs: ./hdf5_dataset_2/electrostatic_poisson_32x32_500-1500.hdf5
python3 \
  --output-folder=hdf5_dataset_2 \
  --ntasks=2 \
  --min-seed=500 \                 
  --max-seed=1500 \                    
  --seed-step=100 \ 
  --image-size=32 \ 
  --max-iterations=2500 \
  --conductive-cell-prob=0.5 \ 

# Outputs: ./hdf5_dataset_3/electrostatic_laplace_32x32_2500-5100.hdf5
python3 \
  --output-folder=hdf5_dataset_3 \
  --ntasks=3 \
  --min-seed=2500 \                 
  --max-seed=5100 \                    
  --seed-step=100 \ 
  --image-size=32 \ 
  --max-iterations=5000 \
  --conductive-cell-prob=0.75 \ 
  --conductive-material-count=1 \

# Outputs: ./hdf5_dataset_4/electrostatic_laplace_32x32_100-1500.hdf5
python3 \
  --output-folder=hdf5_dataset_4 \
  --ntasks=4 \
  --min-seed=100 \                 
  --max-seed=1500 \                    
  --seed-step=100 \ 
  --image-size=32 \ 
  --max-iterations=5000 \
  --conductive-cell-ratio=0.25 \ 
  --conductive-material-range=1,10 \

Normalize dataset, plot samples, or reformat for SimVP


Example run with all options

python3 \
  # 1. Input options
  --dataset-path "<path/to/datafile>" \   # Input path to dataset file to read and process

  # 2. Output options
  --output-path "<path/to/dir>" \         # Output directory outside of project root, defaults to project root
  --output-folder "<folder_name>" \       # Output folder name, defaults to [--dataset-path] root dir

  # 3. Dataset format options
  --simvp-format \                        # Option to save the dataset specifically formatted for SimVP
  --disable-normalization \               # Prevent default behavior to normalize all images and scalars 

  # 4. Visualization options
  --sample-plots <int>                   # Number of samples to plot from the [--dataset-path] hdf5 file

Example run to normalize and reformat for SimVP dataset

python3 \
    --dataset-path="hdf5_dataset_1/electrostatic_poisson_32x32_1-1000.hdf5" \
    --output-folder=simvp_example_1 \
    --simvp-format \
    --sample-plots=100  # omit for no plots

# Outputs: ./simvp_dataset_1/[simvp formatted structures ...]
#          ./simvp_dataset_1/plots/[sample plot files ...]

Example run to normalize to a HDF5 file

python3 \
    --dataset-path="hdf5_dataset_1/electrostatic_poisson_32x32_1-1000.hdf5" \
    --sample-plots=100  # omit for no plots

# Outputs: ./hdf5_dataset_1/normalized_electrostatic_poisson_32x32_1-1000.hdf5
#          ./hdf5_dataset_1/plots/[sample plot files ...]

Example run to plot samples only (HDF5 format only)

python3 \
    --dataset-path="hdf5_dataset_1/electrostatic_poisson_32x32_1-1000.hdf5" \
    --sample-plots=100 \

# Outputs: /hdf5_dataset_1/plots/[sample plot files ...]

General Notes

  • Example scripts are saved to: example_scripts
      • Executable program:
      • Creates an HDF5 dataset from a set of simulation runs
      • Executable program:
      • Creates a normalized HDF5 dataset from an existing HDF5 dataset
      • Optionally can save sample plots of the normalized data
      • Executable program:
      • Demonstrates only plotting samples from the original HFD5 dataset
      • executable program:
      • Converts an existing HDF5 dataset into a compatible format for SimVP
      • Optionally can plot samples of the data reformatted for SimVP
  • Sample plots are saved in: path/to/<output_folder_name>/plots
  • Logs for stdout/stderr are saved in: esp_simulation/logs
  • Normalization is enabled by default and uses min/max scaling between 0.0, 1.0
    • Global extrema values are computed for all numerical data across the entire dataset
      • The global extrema for arrays is the min and max cell values for all instances of that array
      • Likewise, the global extrema for scalars is the min and max values for all instances of that scalar
    • Samples plotted from non-normalized datasets used the saved global extrema for the color map boundaries

HDF5 Format Notes

  • Default HDF5 formatted dataset will contain simulation records of all relevant simulation data

    • Scalar groups: ['meta', 'metric'], saved as HDF5 Attributes
      • metadata: metadata from the simulation run (e.g., total iterations)
      • metric: numerical data computed from the simulation output (e.g., total charge)
    • Array groups: ['mask', 'image'], saved as HDF5 Datasets
      • mask: categorical masks for data generation (e.g., binary mask for conductive cells)
      • image: 2D arrays containing computed numerical data (e.g., charge distribution)
  • Global extrema values for normalization are saved to: path/to/<output_folder_name>/global_extrema_hdf5_<original_datafile_name>.json

    • Only 'images' 'metrics' groups are normalized (masks are categorical and 'meta' is metadata)
  • Each simulation record is output to a HDF5 Group containing the above Groups

    GROUP "record_1" {
      GROUP "image" {
          DATASET "charge_distribution" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "electric_field_magnitude" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "electric_field_x" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "electric_field_y" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "final_potential_map" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "initial_potential_map" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "permittivity_map" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
      GROUP "mask" {
          DATASET "conductive_material_map" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_ENUM {
                "FALSE"            0;
                "TRUE"             1;
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "material_category_map" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
          DATASET "material_id_map" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I64LE
            DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 32, 32 ) / ( 32, 32 ) }
      GROUP "meta" {
          ATTRIBUTE "converged" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I64LE
          ATTRIBUTE "image_size" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I64LE
          ATTRIBUTE "max_delta" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
          ATTRIBUTE "random_seed" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I64LE
          ATTRIBUTE "total_iterations" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STD_I64LE
      GROUP "metric" {
          ATTRIBUTE "electric_flux" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
          ATTRIBUTE "total_charge" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
          ATTRIBUTE "total_energy" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE

SimVP Format Notes

  • Optional SimVP formatted dataset only includes the minimal input/output images
  • Specifically formatted for this fork of SimVP:
  • Each simulation frame is saved to folder: <unique_hash>_<datatype_name>_<#id>
    • <unique_hash> is a hash of the input conditions
    • <datatype_name> is the simulation data name: electrostatic
    • <#id> is a numeric ID for the simulation outputs from 0 to N (not based on seed #)
  • Each folder contains 2 NumPy files:
    • <unique_hash>_<datatype_name>_<#id>/0.npy: Input images saved as (Channels x Width X Height)
      • Initial condition images (3 Channels): Initial Potential Map, Relative Permittivity, Charge Distribution
    • <unique_hash>_<datatype_name>_<#id>/1.npy: Output image saved as (1 x Width X Height)
      • Final state image (1 Channels): Final Potential Map
  • Global extrema values for normalization are saved to: path/to/<output_folder_name>/global_extrema_npy_<original_datafile_name>.json
    • All initial condition images and final state images are normalized respectively

Simulation Solver Notes:

  • The solver equations used depends on if charges are considered free or fixed
  • By default charges are considered free, meaning they affect the electrostatic potential over time
    • Free charges provide variation in the output, faster convergence, but longer simulation times
    • Solves with Poisson's equation for a discretized 2D grid
    • Applies Dirichlet boundary conditions, where boundaries are fixed to the permittivity of free-space
  • If [--enable-fixed-charges] is set, then charges are fixed, meaning electrostatic potential is constant
    • Fixed charges have less variation in the output, slower convergence, but faster simulation times overall
    • Solves with Laplace's equation, which is derived from Poisson
    • Applies Neumann boundary conditions, where boundaries reflect the behavior of inner cells

Material Map Generation Notes:

  1. Initial conductive mask is created with options:
  • [--conductive-cell-ratio]: Proportion of cells that should be conductive
    • Samples will have a consistent number of conductive cells
    • Locations of conductive cells are randomized based on RNG seed
  • [--conductive-cell-prob]: Probability a cell is conductive or not
    • Samples will have a variable number of conductive cells based on probability and RNG seed
    • Locations of conductive cells determined by the probability and RNG seed
  1. Cellular automata + Connecting algorithm is applied to the initial conductive mask
  2. Conductive materials are added to the final conductive mask
  • [--conductive-material-count]: Static count of conductor materials to add
    • Samples will have a consistent number of conductive material types
  • [--conductive-material-range]: Range to randomly select count of conductor materials to add
    • Samples will have a variable number of conductive material types
  • Selected conductive materials are randomized based on RNG seed for both options
  1. Remaining non-border cells are filled randomly based on RNG seed with isolating materials
  2. The borders are set to free space to create an isolated environment to start with

Reproducibility Notes:

  • Total simulation samples is based on seed range:
    • [--min-seed] and [--max-seed]
  • Each seed can be used to reproduce a simulation given the same arguments
    • Input arguments are saved to a JSON file saved to: path/to/<output_folder_name>/arguments_<original_datafile_name>.json

Sample simulation results for free charges

Free Charges Sample Plot 1 Free Charges Sample Plot 2 Free Charges Sample Plot 3

Sample simulation results for fixed charges

Fixed Charges Sample Plot 1 Fixed Charges Sample Plot 2 Fixed Charges Sample Plot 3 Note: Due to the color map boundaries being set to the global min/max values across a set of simulations, images that have tiny differences between cells will appear as one color. Hence, the Final Potential Maps shown above.


Electrostatic Potential (ESP) simulation for generating ML datasets







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