Welcome on the technical documentation of Lessy. This documentation is aimed to help you if you're considering to help us on the code or if you want to install Lessy on your own server.
The first thing you should know is the technical stack. Lessy is based on two distinct stacks:
- backend run over Ruby on Rails and provides a documented API
- frontend is based on VueJS and use this API as any other client
In order to simplify environment setups, we only provide documentation for Docker-based systems. It also helps us to keep documentation simple, up-to-date and avoid issues caused by specific system misconfiguration.
If you just want to run your own instance instead of using lessy.io, you'll simply want to read our documentation about how to install Lessy in production. This solution is only recommended if you have technical background and you want to keep your data on your own server.
So you want to help us to build Lessy in order to be a better application? That's great!
First, you'll need to setup your development environment in order to run Lessy on your own computer.
Then, you might be interested to know more about backend or frontend (or even both of them!). If you're interested by API (for Lessy or for a third-party application), please have a look to our specific documentation.
Another important part of the development stack is the feature flag system. It helps us to push code in production even if the feature is not complete.
You'll probably need to know about how we are running tests so you'll be able to run them by yourself.
You might want to look at the good first issue
on GitHub to get started quickly. Those issues are considered as easy-enough
for newcomers and you should be able to finish them on your own. It doesn't
mean you'll have no questions: other developers will be pleased to help you!
And finally, it's time to learn how to open a pull request.
For those of us who have administrative rights on Lessy's repository, you may need to know more about our release system.