Releases: leandrob13/eurorack
Releases · leandrob13/eurorack
New Features
- Stereo Filter: stereo multimode filter LP, HP, BP and notch Algo knob 1.
- Dual parallel filter: same config as originally implemented. Find it as a sub feature by pressing internal oscillator move Algo knob to position one and while still pressing the button move the modulation knob fully CW. To return to the stereo filter, repeat the same procedure but turn the modulation knob fully CCW.
- Ensemble voice: ensemble effect with low pass filter and internal oscillator. Algo knob position 2.
- Fixed Chebyschev Waveshaper algorithm. It runs oversampled and with the latest parasite's v1.01 tag code.
- Improved resonance calibration for the dual filter.
Tides Symbiote v0.1.0
Tides Symbiote firmware includes a new mode that has four modulation options:
- Lorenz and Rossler chaotic attractors.
- Thomas and Chua chaotic attractors.
- Poly LFO ported from Mutable Instruments Frames easter egg mode.
- Wavetable Oscillator ported from Mutable Instruments Plaits.
The attractors in audio rate modulation can be used as noise oscillators while the other two modes can be used as LFOs or oscillators with 1V/oct tracking.
More details on the manual
- Tweaked Ladder Filter calibration so that the filter would open a bit more.
- Set the sample rate back at 96.000.
- Down-sampled the audio fed into the Chebyschev Waveshaper to tame down the glitchy sounds when high knob values are selected.
Beta release for quick testing on the following changes:
- Replaced Parasites Vocoder with Doppler Panner, find it in position 7 in the interface.
- Replaced pulse train oscillator with square wave oscillator.
- The internal oscillator options for the ladder filter are now:
- Triangle (green), Saw (yellow), Square (red).
- Improved cutoff frequency calibration for the ladder filter.
New features:
- Replaced Parasites Vocoder with Doppler Panner, find it in position 7 in the interface.
- Replaced pulse train oscillator with square wave oscillator.
- The internal oscillator options for the ladder filter are now:
- Triangle (green), Saw (yellow), Square (red).
- Improved cutoff frequency calibration for the ladder filter.
Documentation is updated here
Warps Symbiote
New Algorithms:
- Ladder Filter: ported from an implementation of the improved Moog Ladder Filter
- Dual State Variable Filter: implemented a dual filter based on Emillie's State Variable Filter
- Multi Reverb: added 4 reverbs based on the implementations found in Rings, Clouds and Elements.