- AI相关
- LLM大模型相关
- AI Agents简介
- 私有化部署DeepSeek
- RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)检索增强生成
- LlamaIndex (GPT Index) is a data framework for your LLM application.
- LightRAG: Simple and Fast Retrieval-Augmented Generation
- Ollama手动安装
- Model Context Protocol (src/AI/MCP)
- SearXNG 互联网元搜索引擎
- LeRobot: Making AI for Robotics more accessible with end-to-end learning
- Janus-Series: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Generation Models
- AI Engineering Hub
- Ollama Deep Researcher
- anything-llm:The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, No-code agent builder, and more.
- awesome-LLM-resourses:LLM资料总结
- LangBot: 大模型原生即时通信机器人平台
- Langchain-Chatchat: 基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM, Qwen 与 Llama 等语言模型的 RAG 与 Agent 应用
- LeRobot: Making AI for Robotics more accessible with end-to-end learning
- MaxKB:基于大模型和 RAG 的开源知识库问答系统
- MetaGPT: The Multi-Agent Framework
- MiniMind
- one-api: LLM API 管理 & 分发系统
- RD-Agent
- Local Deep Researcher
- PandasAI
- math 数学相关
- SM 国密算法
- Fortran
- WebAssembly(Wasm) 相关
- Glossary 名词解释
- Web服务的标准
- Web服务的相关规范
- 常用坐标系
- OSGeo
- OSGeo4W
- osgEarth - Geospatial SDK for OpenSceneGraph
- google earthenterprise
- GeoServer
- MapServer
- OpenLayers
- PostGIS
- SpatiaLite
- GeoTools
- osgconv 格式转换
- 三维文件格式
- glTF格式详解
- obj、gltf、glb、fbx、b3dm模型项目汇总
- SHP(shapefile)文件详细格式介绍
- SLD Editor
- mapbox相关
- Maputnik
- OpenMapTiles
- 开源GIS方案
- OpenMapTiles 一套OSM数据使用的完整解决方案
- EPSG码与常见的我国投影坐标系对应关系
- 2000大地高、85高和大地高、正常高、正高
- deck.gl
- ArcGIS相关
- Unreal Engine
- CesiumJS
- three.js
- three.js简介
- github.com/sxguojf/three-tile 3D tile map using threejs. 基于threejs的三维瓦片地图库
- Babylon.js
- C/C++
- 关键字(保留字)
- 构造函数后面加:冒号的作用
- 构造函数说明
- 点(.)操作符和箭头(->)操作符
- const 关键字
- C++ virtual 虚函数与纯虚函数
- C++友元函数和友元类
- C++ explicit
- Vcpkg 包管理工具
- boost库
- make 与 cmake
- 关于VC预定义常量_WIN32,WIN32,_WIN64
- Valgrind
- Systemtap
- c++ 四种强制类型转换
- C++创建对象时区分圆括号
( )
和大括号{ }
- C++初始化规则
- 普通(Trivial)、标准布局(standard-layout)、POD 和文本(literal)类型
- 字面值类型、字面值常量
- 智能指针
- RTTI(运行时类型识别)
- Mixin类
- C++常用头文件
- C++相关类库
- C++学习相关仓库
- Google C++ Style Guide
- C++ TR1、TR2与boost的关系
- webview
- 编程知识快速复习
- Built-in types
- C++中左值和右值
- C++常见错误
- windows中静态库lib和动态dll的区别及使用方法
- namespace 工作空间
- COM的错误与异常处理
- MSVC编译器介绍
- dumpbin、Dependencies查看dll的附加依赖项
- 使用Visual Studio的扩展MVSIP将程序打包成可执行文件(.exe)
- LoadLibrary加载dll示例
- VS中dumpbin.exe工具的使用
- BIM(Building Information Model) 建筑信息模型
- Vulkan
- Vulkan和OpenGL区别
- Vulkan 相关类库
- github.com/vsg-dev/VulkanSceneGraph Vulkan & C++17 based Scene Graph Project
- github.com/godlikepanos/anki-3d-engine AnKi 3D Engine - Vulkan backend, modern renderer, scripting, physics and more
- Doxygen
- Paddle
- Qt
- Qt All Classes
- Qt 常用函数
- 关于 QWidget 相关小知识
- QWidget属性表
- QWidget update刷新
- Qt 的多语言支持的翻译机制
- Qt 插件机制以及插件中几个重要的宏
- Qt自定义信号槽
- windeployqt
- Qt 资源系统(Qt Resource System)
- Qss: Qt Style Sheets
- Qt Qss 渐变颜色设置
- 实现Qss控件动态样式
- qss样式的作用范围及其替换、覆盖
- Qt中的connect用法总结
- Qt 动画实现相关
- 渐变原理(QGradient类及其子类)
- QSizePolicy 控件尺寸调整策略
- Qt绘制系统
- Qt paintEvent事件
- QJsonDocument、QJsonArray、QJsonObject、QJsonValue
- QString
- QByteArray <--> QString
- QStringList
- QVariant类及QVariant与自定义数据类型转换的方法
- 创建窗口分割线之QSplitter
- Qt 容器
- QSignalMapper
- Qt内存管理
- Qt的几种线程
- QProcess启动外部程序
- Qt的操作堆栈
- QCustomPlot
- madplotlibA C++ wrapper of Qt Charts that looks, tastes and smells like matplotlib but isn't.
- ctkPluginFramework
- Qt6的一些变化
- Qt通过QWebEngineView与JS交互
- Qt binding for Go
- Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
- QWidgetDemo Qt编写的一些开源的demo
- Qt开发经验
- Qt示例
- Qt中设置透明度
- Qt布局管理详解(5种布局控件)
- QHBoxLayout水平布局用法
- setWindowFlags设置窗口属性
- Qt窗口模型介绍
- 多页面切换布局QStackedLayout
- QSerialPort 串口的读写
- QtWebEngine相关
- QWebEngineProfile使用
- QWebEngineView类实现Web浏览器
- Lambda表达式
- ui->setupUi(this) 分析
- QDateTime与QTime获取系统当前时间
- qDebug常用特性
- QWebEngineView 调试
- QPushButton
- processEvents使用
- Qt互斥锁QMutex、QMutexLocker的使用
- enum Qt::ApplicationAttribute 枚举
- Qt窗口操作函数
- QException异常
- Qt中的坐标系统-geometry
- QFont设置字体大小/颜色
- QByteArray URL编解码
- VLC_Qt开发
- ffmpeg 集成
- Qt加载静态链接库(.Lib,.a,.os),以及关于LIBS +=的用法
- QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget
- QLabel 改变字间距
- Qt Multimedia
- 在QMainWindows中动态增加控件
- QRhi:Qt Rendering Hardware Interface
- 数字孪生
- Computer Graphics 计算机图形学
- Graph Database 图数据库相关
- 全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试--软考
- CMake
- OpenGL
- TiDB
- Tools 工具集
- machine learning 机器学习
- Machine Learning VS Deep Learning
- LLMs 大型语言模型
- github.com/microsoft/ML-For-Beginners 12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
- PyTorch
- MXNet
- TensorFlow
- ElasticSearch
- Manticore Search
- Kafka
- Spark
- Hive
- nsq
- open-falcon
- GitHub
- https://github.com/GitHubDaily/GitHubDaily 坚持分享 GitHub 上高质量、有趣实用的开源技术教程、开发者工具、编程网站、技术资讯。A list cool, interesting projects of GitHub.
- github.com/CyC2018/CS-Notes 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计
- Varnish 反向代理服务器和http加速器
- symfony
- Symfony Guide 入门指南
- github.com/andreia/symfony-cheat-sheets
- Basic 基础和常用
- Basic 基础知识点
- Symfony Twig Extensions symfony对Twig的扩展
- Shortcuts Methods 控制器中的快捷方法
- FileControllerHelper 文件处理的helper
- Json Response Json响应及参数设置
- Streamed Response 流响应
- Finding and Instantiating the Controller
- Twig Twig相关
- Twig Twig基础
- Twig Extension Twig扩展示例
- Twig Form Reference Twig From相关的函数与变量
- Twig functions Twig函数用法示例
- Whitespace Control 空格控制
- Twig tags Twig Tags用法示例
- Twig macro macro宏的示例
- Doctrine Doctrine相关
- Doctrine Doctrine基础知识
- Doctrine Types Doctrine字段类型
- Doctrine Uuid Type UuidType自定义字段类型
- An Entity Demo 一个略复杂的Entity的示例
- Validation Constraints 验证约束设置
- Custom Constraint.md自定义验证约束
- Doctrine Cache 配置Doctrine缓存配置
- Doctrine Annotations Reference
- Doctrine Schema Manager Doctrine 模式管理器
- Doctrine SQL Filter SQL过滤器示例
- Doctrine Query Functions DQL使用SQL函数,例如:DATE_FORMAT
- Custom DQL Funtions 自定义DQL函数
- DQL(Doctrine Query Language) DQL相关
- QueryBuilder examples 查询构造器示例
- Query Builder SubQuery 查询构造器嵌套子查询
- RawSQLQuery examples 原生SQL查询
- associations 表之间关联
- Table to Entity (reverse engineering) 数据表转Entity(逆向工程)
- MultipleDatabase 多数据库配置与使用
- ColumnDefaultValue 设置字段默认值的那些坑
- Schema Manager Schema管理器的使用
- batch processing 批量处理
- truncate table 截断表
- SQL log 开发模式下配置SQL log
- Working with Objects 对象工作模式
- Transactions And Concurrency 事务与并发
- Optimistic Locking 乐观锁
- Doctrine使用Oracle
- Doctrine Sharding
- Entity State 四个状态
- The EntityManager is closed
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle 数据迁移工具
- setPrimaryTable根据参数动态设置表名
- config 框架配置相关
- Router 路由相关
- routing.yml yml路由配置示例
- Custom Route Loader 自定义路由加载器
- Form 表单相关
- Service 服务相关
- Dependency Injection 依赖注入相关
- Security 安全相关
- security authentication 安全相关介绍
- Authenticator demo 认证器的demo
- Login and Register 登录和注册相关
- Logout Handler 退出登录(包含失败)处理
- Logout Success Handler 成功退出登录处理
- multi field login 支持多字段登录系统
- SetLoginToken 手动用户登录,设置token
- Ajax Authentication Listener Ajax验证监听
- security advanced user interface 高级用户接口
- ApiKeyAuthenticator示例
- Events and Event Listeners 事件与事件分发
- EventListener 事件监听相关
- EventListener 事件监听
- Login Event Listener 登录事件监听
- Guzzle Http Event Listener GuzzleHttp事件监听
- Enable SQL Filter Event Listener SQL Filter 事件监听
- Api Version API版本控制
- kernel view 模板层监听
- Api Exception Listener API异常监听
- Doctrine Event Listeners SubscribersDoctrine的事件监听
- Command
- Console Command 常用的console命令
- Command call Command command之间调用
- command in controller 在控制器调用command
- Custom Command 自定义command
- Custom Command in Symfony5.4 在Symfony5.4中自定义command
- Command Lifecycle
- Console Command Style 命令样式
- ReusableBundle 创建可重复使用bundle相关
- best practices 可复用bundle的最佳实战
- Bundle Configuration Bundle配置示例
- Components 组件相关
- Process 在子进程下执行命令
- Asset 管理静态资源。
- Serializer 序列化和反序列化
- Event Dispatcher 事件调度(事件派遣)
- Workflow 工作流
- Stopwatch 性能调试(时间和内存,可分组)
- Finder 文件和目录查找
- Filesystem 对文件系统做了面向对象的封装
- Dotenv 设置环境变量
- Ldap LDAP server连接相关
- Config 配置文件组件,支持YAML, XML, INI格式或数据库。
- Debug 方便调试的组件
- VarDumper 调试时打印信息的组件
- Cache 缓存组件,遵循PSR-6、PSR-16规范
- Runtime The Runtime Component decouples the bootstrapping logic from any global state to make sure the application can run with runtimes like PHP-PM, ReactPHP, Swoole, etc. without any changes
- PropertyAccess The PropertyAccess component provides functions to read and write from/to an object or array using a simple string notation.
- PropertyInfo The PropertyInfo component allows you to get information about class properties by using different sources of metadata.
- BrowserKit & DomCrawler & CssSelector 页面抓取分析三剑客
- notifier - Sends notifications
- HttpKernel HTTP核心组件
- UID 唯一标识符
- Lock 锁组件
- Messenger & Scheduler
- Bundles Note 第三方bundle使用笔记
- symfony coding standard Symfony编码规范
- code conventions 代码约定
- code standards 代码标准
- Others 其他杂项
- Version Symfony版本查看
- Upload File 文件上传示例
- Cookie cookie相关
- Session session相关
- parameters.yml.dist 配置parameters.yml不更新
- Clear Cache In Controller
- Symfony Performance
- symfony tips and tricks
- Logger配置错误日志
- Customize Error Pages 自定义错误页面
- symfony 3.3 features
- symfony 3.4 features
- web server configuration
- Webpack Encore Webpack Encore相关
- Webpack Encore Webpack Encore介绍
- Webpack Encore Example Webpack Encore使用示例
- Symfony 4 & 5 symfony 4与5 相关
- flex:Composer plugin for Symfony
- composer req api
- recipes symfony核心团队认证的“菜谱”
- recipes-contrib 非“官方”菜谱
- Packs 集合包
- maker-bundle
- flash-messages
- frontend
- messenger
- passwords
- testing
- translation
- 模板支持hinclude.js
- Stimulus & Symfony UX
- Symfony UX Turbo
- ContainerBagInterface
- Rate Limiter
- Security 安全部分
- HTTP Cache HTTP缓存加速
- API Platform
- Environment Variable Processors
- Symfony 6 相关
- Symfony 7 相关
- Symfony 1.x
- symfony1.4 symfony1.4笔记
- Varnish symfony使用Varnish加速网站
- Deployment
- proxies 设置代理
- symfony deploy symfony项目部署文档
- symfony-cli
- github.com/symfony-cli/symfony-cli go实现的Symfony CLI tool
- chrome extensions
- MySQL join
- MySQL functions
- MySQL explain
- MySQL table design
- MySQL table index
- my configure 常用的配置项
- MySQL Optimize
- MySQL where
- mysqldump
- maxbube/mydumper 性能更好的迁移工具
- Innodb
- master slave 主从配置
- grant
- sql_mode SQL MODE设置与介绍
- update root password
- windows mysql windows下安装mysql
- 360 Atlas (MySQL proxy)
- ProxySQL (C++实现的MySQL Proxy)
- kingshard (go实现,MySQL Proxy和简化分库分表)
- MySQL 8 的变化
- MySQL 8 windows install MySQL8在windows下的安装
- MySQL8 authentication pluginMySQL8密码验证插件更换后,问题解决办法
- show processlist 查看正在运行的线程
- bin log bin log恢复数据
- Optimistic and Pessimistic Lock 乐观锁与悲观锁
- MVCC 多版本并发控制
- MySQL数据库事务隔离级别(Transaction Isolation Level)
- Innodb锁机制
- SQL Order of Operations SQL操作顺序
- MySQL 8 新特性 Window Functions
- Overview of Partitioning in MySQL
- sql prepare
- Limits on Table Column Count and Row Size
- MySQL8 rpm install
- MySQL慢日志分析
- Docker搭建MySQL集群
- Galera Cluster for MySQL
- MHA - Master High Availability
- cobar - a proxy for sharding databases and tables
- canal - 阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件
- MySQL 8.0 自带的4个系统数据库
- MySQL数据块、表占用空间大小计算
- truncate 释放表空间
- Kingbase V8
- composer
- composer basic composer基础使用
- composer config composer配置相关
- composer versions composer包版本约定
- recover composer.json 恢复composer.json
- packagist.org 配置 Github Hook让包自动更新
- composer使用常见错误
- zend studio
- guzzle http
- silex
- linux
- basic
- network configure
- nohup
- sudo
- crontab
- package management
- rsync 文件同步
- inotify-tools 文件监控
- CentOS Local yum repo
- log view
- netstat
- telnet
- iptables
- tar
- df & du
- scp 与 pscp
- history
- sed
- rz & sz
- chattr & lsattr
- iconv
- Aliyun服务器配置IPV6
- chinese support 中文支持
- fdisk Linux下磁盘挂载
- resize2fs
- parted 分区工具
- dd 磁盘测试
- fio -- Linux测试磁盘IO性能(随机读写)
- iostat iotop 监视磁盘操作活动
- date 修改服务器时间
- lsof mac下查看端口。lsof(list open files)是一个查看当前系统文件的工具。
- SELinux SELinux状态与关闭
- glibc 简介与升级
- init 6 VS reboot
- rpm包使用命令
- logrotate 日志分割
- find 文件查找
- 升级gcc 4.8.5
- kill 批量杀掉筛选的进程
- Systemd 介绍
- tmpfs 介绍
- chmod 递归修改权限
- audit Linux的审计功能
- 内存查看与手动释放 free & drop_caches
- fsck:file system check 磁盘检查
- 通过 ulimit 改善系统性能
- 内存优化总结:ptmalloc、TCMalloc和JeMalloc
- traceroute
- supervisor
- nmap - Network Mapper,是Linux下的网络扫描和嗅探工具包
- dpkg 安装.deb文件
- KSM内存合并
- lsblk 列出所有可用块设备的信息
- Ubuntu相关
- Rocky Linux
- 分区表GPT和MBR
- VNC XRDP 远程桌面
- xfs文件系统修复
- tcpdump编译安装及使用
- ./configure、make、make install 命令
- CentOS7升级OpenSSL
- Centos7.6之OpenSSH 7.4升级版本至9.4
- 升级完OpenSSH后,xshell断开nginx进程被杀死
- speedtest 测网速
- tmpwatch/tmpreaper 删除旧文件
- Linux LVM 逻辑卷管理
- 查看 Linux 重启历史记录
- Linux 系统救援发行版:SystemRescue
- 使用firewall-cmd开放和关闭对外端口
- Go
- go安装与环境变量配置
- The Uber Go Style Guide.
- gofmt vs go fmt
- Compiler Directives
- for select
- go byte字节与ascii码
- byte和rune
- string 字符串操作相关
- string number 数字与字符串之间的转换
- number base conversion进制转换
- interface 理解
- Go类型断言
- 同步原语与锁
- "泛型编程"
- vgo 版本控制
- Byte Order 字节序
- Standard library 标准库笔记
- Others Library 其他类库笔记
- windows下开发
- call cmd.exe 调用cmd.exe并隐藏窗口
- Package Management 包管理相关
- Fatal Error 常见的fatal error
- Go工具和调试详解
- 访问DWARF调试信息
- gdb调试
- delve debugger
- Goland 快捷键
- IEEE 754 解析
- Go's Assembler
- cgo
- composition 组合
- portability 可移植性、交叉编译
- reflect 反射原理
- The Uber Go Style Guide
- Uber Go 语言编码规范中文版
- 格式化输入输出
- 漏洞检测工具govulncheck
- redis
- basic redis基础
- redis windowsredis在windows上的使用
- redis install Redis源码编译安装
- redis.conf redis配置文件介绍
- bind配置参数的坑
- Predis VS phpredis Predis与phpredis对比
- persistence数据持久化
- commands 常用命令
- Redis主从 master slave
- Redis哨兵 sentinel
- Redis集群 cluster
- Redis 6 redis-cluster-proxy
- github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached
- github.com/microsoft/garnet Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with existing Redis clients.
- github.com/Snapchat/KeyDB A Multithreaded Fork of Redis
- Ruby
- git相关
- git branch git分支相关
- git tag git标签相关
- git config 配置
- rm commit log
- git ssh git ssh配置
- fork sync fork仓库与原仓同步
- Github访问或clone慢配置
- Github Help 使用技巧
- Github token凭据配置
- git update git升级
- rm git index 移除文件或目录的git索引
- git recover git还原某个提交ID
- Gogs Gogs代码平台
- Gitea Gitea(Gogs的一个克隆)
- git_stats git提交统计
- git reset 撤销本地commit
- git push 上传大文件卡住或无法push到远程仓库
- git clone 报错
- .gitignore配置相关
- javascript
- json convert
- flexible
- Mobile Image Upload
- console
- knockoutjs
- ActiveX Object判断对象是否存在的方法
- requirejs requrejs引入js、css、fonts等
- art template art-template模板引擎
- 监听URL的变化
- React 用于构建 Web 和原生交互界面的库
- Next.js The React Framework
- React Native Build mobile apps with React
- NutUI 京东风格的移动端 Vue 组件库,支持多端小程序(A Vue.js UI Toolkit for Mobile Web)
- Vant 一个轻量、可定制的移动端组件库
- Taro 开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,轻松构建可以运行在 小程序/Web/APP 上的应用
- ionic framework The mobile SDK for the Web.
- MathJax - Beautiful and accessible math in all browsers
- tilt - A smooth 3D tilt javascript library.
- draw.io is a JavaScript, client-side editor for general diagramming.
- DrawDB is a robust and user-friendly database entity relationship (DBER) editor right in your browser.
- Apollo Client is a fully-featured caching GraphQL client with integrations for React, Angular, and more.
- MobX -- Simple, scalable state management.
- Redux -- A JS library for predictable global state management
- qiankun 微前端解决方案
- pm2 守护进程管理工具
- TypeScript
- React 与 React Native 相关
- React Developer Tools
- React Navigation vs React Router
- Babel转码器
- React Hooks library
- Gatsby 基于 React 的框架
- ice.js 基于 React 的渐进式应用框架
- Expo - 基于React Native的一款上层框架
- react-spinners A collection of loading spinner components for react
- Material UI
- TanStack Query -- Powerful asynchronous state management for TS/JS, React, Solid, Vue, Svelte and Angular
- React Native UI component libraries
- React Native Package
- react-geo
- NextUI -- Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library
- Next.js is a React framework for building full-stack web applications.
- Remix - is a web framework that lets you build better websites with web standards, modern web app UX, and fast performance.
- Vite - The Build Tool for the Web
- node.js
- framework7
- markdown
- yii2
- select2
- discuz
- destoon
- CodeIgniter
- cakephp
- yaf
- yar
- php.ini 常用配置项
- PHP Extension Install PHP扩展编译安装
- phpize报错,升级autoconf
- Memcached PHP Memcached扩展安装
- oci8PHP Oracle连接扩展
- Socket
- 对数组进行排序
- control structures alternative syntax 流程控制的替代语法
- preg_match VS preg_match_all 正则匹配对比
- PHP Functions PHP常用函数
- PHP Extensions PHP常用扩展
- php-lua PHP调用lua
- fgets fget读取的宽字节字符集问题
- DateTimeImmutable vs DateTime
- php-fpm
- declare(src/PHP/strict_type=1) 严格类型检查模式
- phploc A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.
- Laminas Laminas Project, the enterprise-ready PHP Framework and components
- Xdebug - Debugger and Profiler Tool for PHP
- PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer)
- php 7 新特性
- phar归档
- PHP 8 相关
- PHP code
- Shell
- deploy.sh 部署项目shell脚本
- network configure
- exit code退出码
- backup.sh 备份项目shell脚本
- Nginx
- nginx basic nginx基础
- Nginx启动、重启、停止命令
- version 版本号约定
- nginx conf nginx.conf注释版
- vhost conf vhost配置示例
- proxy_pass 代理转发
- ssl HTTPS配置SSL证书与生成自签名证书
- syntax 配置语法
- nginx errors 常见错误及修复办法
- install nginx源码编译安装
- awk 利用awk分析access日志
- req limit nginx请求限制
- rewrite url重写
- location表达式类型与优先级
- Tengine
- add_header 指令与XSS
- CORS跨域请求--简单请求与复杂请求与跨域预请求OPTIONS处理
- nginx与php-fpm通信与php-fpm重启
- Apache
- Code::Blocks
- svg
- Meet 会议系统
- github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
- github.com/fmeringdal/nettu-meet Open source video conferencing system for tutors.
- FFmpeg
- FFmpeg install 编译安装FFmpeg
- PHP-FFmpeg PHP-FFmpeg类库
- OAuth 2.0
- Modbus
- CSS3
- webpack
- yarn
- vuejs
- HAProxy
- phpStudy phpStudy升级php&MySQL
- windows
- assembly汇编语言
- VisualStudio
- java
- eclipseeclipse相关
- jar jar运行、反编译
- jdk jdk安装
- tomcatTomcat安装
- Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
- JDK、JRE、JVM、Java EE、Java SE等说明
- Arthas -- Java诊断工具
- Spring Boot VS Spring Cloud
- Android
- xunsearch
- Knowledge Graph
- github.com/taku910/crfpp CRF++: Yet Another CRF toolkit
- github.com/macanv/BERT-BiLSTM-CRF-NER Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning And private Server services
- github.com/Determined22/zh-NER-TF A very simple BiLSTM-CRF model for Chinese Named Entity Recognition 中文命名实体识别 (TensorFlow)
- github.com/crownpku/Information-Extraction-Chinese Chinese Named Entity Recognition with IDCNN/biLSTM+CRF, and Relation Extraction with biGRU+2ATT 中文实体识别与关系提取
- github.com/lucasb-eyer/pydensecrf Python wrapper to Philipp Krähenbühl's dense (fully connected) CRFs with gaussian edge potentials.
- github.com/baidu/lac 百度NLP:分词,词性标注,命名实体识别,词重要性
- github.com/fxsjy/jieba 结巴中文分词
- github.com/google-research/bert TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
- github.com/snorkel-team/snorkel A system for quickly generating training data with weak supervision 弱监督学习框架
- github.com/networkx/networkx NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
- github.com/jgrapht/jgrapht JGraphT is a free Java class library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms.
- github.com/snap-stanford/snap Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library.
- github.com/igraph/igraph igraph is a C library for complex network analysis and graph theory, with emphasis on efficiency, portability and ease of use.
- github.com/igraph/python-igraph Python interface for the igraph library
- mac mac相关
- 升级系统版本、禁用SIP、设置屏幕比例、修改显存
- keyboard系统快捷键
- chrome Chrome快捷键
- mac终端走代理
- install php sqlsrv extension 安装sqlsrv扩展
- Oracle Oracle数据库相关
- mac docker oracle mac下通过docker安装Oracle
- SQL errors SQL错误笔记
- CentOS 7 install Oracle 11g
- DB 数据库相关
- Sharding VS Partitioning
- ShardingSphere 分库分表中间件
- TiDB开源分布式 NewSQL 关系型数据库
- RadonDB 云原生的MySQL数据库,可以无限扩展
- influxdb 开源时序型数据库
- vitess 数据库中间件,用于部署、扩展和管理大型MySQL实例集群。
- LinDB 饿了么开源的时序数据库,LinDB is an open-source Time Series Database which provides high performance, high availability and horizontal scalability.
- Doris 简单易用、高性能和统一的分析数据库,Apache Doris is an easy-to-use, high performance and unified analytics database.
- Ignite Apache Ignite是一个分布式数据库,支持以内存级的速度进行高性能计算。 Distributed Database For High‑Performance Applications With In‑Memory Speed
- graph-database 图数据库
- Druid 数据库连接池
- otter 分布式数据库同步系统
- BigData大数据相关
- Hadoop 分布式系统基础架构
- Apache Flume 日志采集、聚合和传输的系统
- Apache Sqoop[retired] 在Hadoop和关系型数据库之间进行数据传输的工具
- 离线数据同步工具/平台
- TCP/IP 协议相关
- Docker Docker相关
- OA
- file2pdf 文件转PDF
- install fonts安装中文字体
- JavaBridge
- ios
- Security代码安全
- APP接口安全设计要点
- 恶意代码分析相关工具&漏洞挖掘相关工具
- 源代码安全审计
- 源代码安全审计
- 用户认证与授权
- 消息队列
- ZooKeeper
- Flink
- rust
- github.com/sunface/rust-course rust教程
- github.com/rust-lang/rustlings Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
- github.com/google/comprehensive-rust This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust to everyone.
- lib 有用类库
- github.com/tauri-apps/tauri Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend.
- github.com/starship/starship The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- github.com/rust-lang/mdBook Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust
- Erlang
- Scala
- Kotlin
- Dart
- Flutter
- Zig
- Go & PHP
- goridge
- FrankenPHP: Modern App Server for PHP
- RoadRunner: high-performance PHP application server
- Spiral Framework
- github.com/VKCOM/noverify Pretty fast linter (code static analysis utility) for PHP
- crawler 爬虫相关
- selenium
- github.com/FriendsOfPHP/Goutte Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper
- github.com/symfony/dom-crawler The DomCrawler component eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents.
- github.com/symfony/browser-kit The BrowserKit component simulates the behavior of a web browser, allowing you to make requests, click on links and submit forms programmatically.
- github.com/symfony/css-selector The CssSelector component converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions.
- github.com/owner888/phpspider
- Go
- github.com/gocolly/colly Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
- github.com/henrylee2cn/pholcus Pholcus is a distributed, high concurrency and powerful web crawler software.
- github.com/PuerkitoBio/gocrawl Polite, slim and concurrent web crawler.
- github.com/MontFerret/ferret Declarative web scraping
- Python
- Python 基础
- Python 发行版
- 关键字 keywords
- 占位符
- 列表 List 和 元组 tuple
- dict(字典) 和 set
- 条件语句 & 循环语句
- 函数
- 迭代器和生成器
- 类和对象
- 模块与包
- 枚举类
- upgrade python CentOS 6 升级Python 2.6到3.6
- Anaconda之conda的使用
- Python ABC(抽象基类)
- pip pip3 替换国内镜像源与常用命令
- wheel(.whl)包
- 打包分发工具setuptools
- github.com/vinta/awesome-python A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- github.com/walter201230/Python 最良心的 Python 教程
- codon A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM
- github.com/chroma-core/chroma the open source embedding database
- Using rayshader in Python
- f2py – Fortran to Python interface generator
- Jupyter
- Tornado 框架
- github.com/bukun/TorCMS Flexible, extensible web CMS framework built on Tornado.
- Library
- Machine Learning
- github.com/meituan/YOLOv6 YOLOv6: a single-stage object detection framework dedicated to industrial applications.
- glances - Glances an Eye on your system.
- pyqt5 安装
- pybind11 -- Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
- NLP(Natural Language Processing) 自然语言处理
- Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
- Pillow -- Python Imaging Library
- Python Tesseract
- Beautiful Soup -- a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files
- Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
- pypdf & pdfminer.six
- SentencePiece -- Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
- Stanza: A Python NLP Library for Many Human Languages
- spaCy: Industrial-strength NLP
- MinerU:A one-stop, open-source, high-quality data extraction tool, supports PDF/webpage/e-book extraction.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,支持PDF/网页/多格式电子书提取。
- OpenResty
- OpenResty基础
- CentOS 安装 OpenResty
- OpenResty 配置
- 第三方包管理:OPM和LuaRocks
- cosocket
- LuaJIT
- APISIX APISIX is a Cloud-Native Microservices API Gateway
- PostgreSQL
- VS Code
- WireShark
- Graylog 日志收集
- atlassian
- 水利
- CAS:Central Authentication Service
- reg正则表达式
- R语言
- rayshader R Package for 2D and 3D mapping and data visualization
- Open source book: Geocomputation with R
- CAE(Computer Aided Engineering)工程设计中的计算机辅助工程
- 其他
- github.com/nativefier/nativefier Make any web page a desktop application
- Go 语言设计与实现
- github.com/fleaflet/flutter_map A Flutter map widget inspired by Leaflet
- GB28181流媒体服务
- github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
- github.com/648540858/wvp-GB28181-pro WEB VIDEO PLATFORM是一个基于GB28181-2016标准实现的网络视频平台,支持NAT穿透,支持海康、大华、宇视等品牌的IPC、NVR、DVR接入。支持国标级联,支持rtsp/rtmp等视频流转发到国标平台,支持rtsp/rtmp等推流转发到国标平台。
- github.com/panjjo/gosip sipserver,GB28181,ZLMediaKit
- github.com/chatop2020/AKStream AKStream是一套全平台(Linux,MacOS,Windows)、全架构(X86_64,Arm...)、全功能的流媒体管理控制接口平台。集成GB28181,RTSP,RTMP,HTTP等设备推拉流控制、PTZ控制、音视频文件录制管理、音视频文件裁剪合并等功能与一体
- github.com/chenjianhao66/go-GB28181 基于GB28181-2016标准实现的网络视频平台,用 Go 语言实现,实现了 SIP 协议和信令服务器。
- github.com/vanjoge/RTVS 低延迟、跨平台、无插件、高性能的完整商业级1078/28181视频平台。执行标准:JT/T 1077-2016 道路运输车辆卫星定位系统 视频平台技术要求,JT/T 1078-2016 道路运输车辆卫星定位系统 视频通讯协议,JT/T 1078-2014 道路运输车辆卫星定位系统视频通迅协议标准报批稿(仅视频),T/GDRTA 002—2020 粤标(20位SIM卡号),GB/T 28181-2016 公共安全视频监控联网系统信息传输、交换、控制技术要求
- Krpano 全景展示
- LaTeX
- 电子书
- 免费的编程中文书籍索引
- 最新 1500 多本计算机电子书免费下载
- github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- github.com/charlax/professional-programming A collection of full-stack resources for programmers.
- github.com/missing-semester/missing-semester The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
- 协议与标准
- Chromium
- Julia
- WebRTC
- HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议
- 唯一标识符
- BI (Business Intelligence)
- github.com/apache/superset Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
- github.com/metabase/metabase The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company
- github.com/dataease/dataease/ 人人可用的开源数据可视化分析工具
- github.com/getredash/redash Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
- github.com/grafana/grafana The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
- github.com/running-elephant/datart Datart is a next generation Data Visualization Open Platform
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🐘 🐘 my cheat sheets 📝 , Symfony, Go, Python, C++, GIS, Qt, MySQL, Twig, Doctrine, Nginx, ElasticSearch, TiDB, Linux etc.
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