Many bugfixes and improvements
LALR parser
The LALR parser now supports priority in rules, as a way to resolve collision errors
Improvements to the standalone tool, including more command-line options, like optional compression for the json data.
Improvements to the puppet error handling interface
Better error reporting on LALR collisions
Bugfixes in Earley
Added support for syntax highlighting in Atom
Fixes and improvements for the
now uses a temporary directory instead of working directory. -
Lark can now be imported directly from a zip (See: ed5c8ec)
Added more terminals to the grammar library (available for %import).
Nearley tools now supports case insensitive strings
Deprecated some interfaces
Improvements to docs, stubs, and various bugfixes
Thanks to @MegaIng for helping with Lark's maintenance, and to @ldbo, @chanicpanic, @michael-k, @ThatXliner and everyone else for their help and contributions.