A basic Vue.js Component that can wrap anything as a dropdown type selector.
# yarn
yarn add @laomao800/vue-select-wrapper
# npm
npm install --save @laomao800/vue-select-wrapper
prop | type | default | description |
value/v-model | any | undefined |
Binding value. Should be an array when multiple:true |
multiple | boolean | false |
whether use multiple-select |
placeholder | string | '' |
placeholder |
append-to-body | boolean | true |
Append the dropdown element to <body> |
dropdown-width | number/string | undefined |
Width of the dropdown element. If not provided, the trigger element's width will be used. |
dropdown-z-index | number | 1000 |
Dropdown element z-index |
disabled | boolean | false |
Disable the component |
size | string | '' |
Component size. Could be medium/small/mini |
clearable | boolean | false |
Whether select can be cleared |
limit | number | Infinity |
Limit the number of selected options displayed, must be greater than 0 . The rest will be hidden within the limitText string. |
limit-text | function | count => `+${count}` | Function that processes the message shown when selected elements pass the defined limit. |
popper-class | string | '' |
Custom class name for the dropdown |
loading | boolean | false |
Whether the dropdown is display the loading status |
loading-text | string | 'Loading' |
Text in the dropdown while loading |
close-on-select | boolean | - | Close a dropdown when an option is chosen. default: single mode true , multiple mode false . |
Custom content of the chosen values. Works in both single-select and multi-select modes.
<SelectWrapper v-model="selection">
<template #value-template="{ value }">
{{ value.valueProperty }}
Methods | Description |
showDropdown() | Show the dropdown |
hideDropdown() | Hide the dropdown |
toggleDropdown() | Toggle the dropdown |
clearValue() | Clear all value |
updatePopper() | Update dropdown position |
Event | Description | Parameters |
change | Trigger on value change | (newVal) |
visible-change | Trigger on dropdown toggle | (visible) true for show, false for hide |
clear | Click the clear icon or execute clearValue() | - |