Clone Repo
git clone
cd imagenet18
Setup python3 virtualenv
Assumes python3 version is 3.6
pip3 install --upgrade virtualenv --user
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_local.txt
Data Preparation
tar -xvf imagenet-data-sorted.tar -C /mnt/data/data
tar -xvf imagenet-sz.tar -C /mnt/data/data
cd /mnt/data/data
mv raw-data imagenet
ulimit -n 4096
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=8 --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 \
training/ /mnt/data/data/imagenet \
--fp16 --logdir ./ncluster/runs/lambda-hyperplane --distributed --init-bn0 --no-bn-wd \
--phases "[{'ep': 0, 'sz': 128, 'bs': 512, 'trndir': '-sz/160'}, {'ep': (0, 7), 'lr': (1.0, 2.0)}, {'ep': (7, 13), 'lr': (2.0, 0.25)}, {'ep': 13, 'sz': 224, 'bs': 224, 'trndir': '-sz/320', 'min_scale': 0.087}, {'ep': (13, 22), 'lr': (0.4375, 0.043750000000000004)}, {'ep': (22, 25), 'lr': (0.043750000000000004, 0.004375)}, {'ep': 25, 'sz': 288, 'bs': 128, 'min_scale': 0.5, 'rect_val': True}, {'ep': (25, 28), 'lr': (0.0025, 0.00025)}]" --skip-auto-shutdown
Lambda GPU Cloud - single instance
12.6 h, 29 epochs 93.05% accuracy
ulimit -n 4096
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=4 --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 \
training/ /home/ubuntu/data/imagenet \
--workers=4 --fp16 --logdir ./ncluster/runs/lambda-cloud-1-instance --distributed --init-bn0 --no-bn-wd \
--phases "[{'ep': 0, 'sz': 128, 'bs': 256, 'trndir': '-sz/160'}, {'ep': (0, 8), 'lr': (0.5, 1.0)}, {'ep': (8, 15), 'lr': (1.0, 0.125)}, {'ep': 15, 'sz': 224, 'bs': 112, 'trndir': '-sz/320', 'min_scale': 0.087}, {'ep': (15, 25), 'lr': (0.22, 0.022)}, {'ep': (25, 28), 'lr': (0.022, 0.0022)}, {'ep': 28, 'sz': 288, 'bs': 64, 'min_scale': 0.5, 'rect_val': True}, {'ep': (28, 29), 'lr': (0.00125, 0.000125)}]" --skip-auto-shutdown
- ulimit: to avoid "OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files with 0.4.1".
nproc_per_node: number of GPUs on your local machine.
nnodes: number of node, set to one for training with a single machine.
logdir: directory for logging the results.
phases: training schedule. Copied from the "one machine" setting in the original file.
Gather Results
python dawn/ \
events_path: path to the event file. Should be found inside of the logdir.
Code to reproduce ImageNet in 18 minutes, by Andrew Shaw, Yaroslav Bulatov, and Jeremy Howard. High-level overview of techniques used is here
Pre-requisites: Python 3.6 or higher
pip install -r requirements.txt
python # pre-warming
To run with smaller number of machines:
python --machines=1
python --machines=4
python --machines=8
python --machines=16
Your AWS account needs to have high enough limit in order to reserve this number of p3.16xlarge instances. The code will set up necessary infrastructure like EFS, VPC, subnets, keypairs and placement groups. Therefore permissions for these those resources are needed.
Machines print progress to local stdout as well as logging TensorBoard event files to EFS. You can:
- launch tensorboard using tools/
That will provide a link to tensorboard instance which has loss graph under "losses" group. You'll see something like this under "Losses" tab
- Connect to one of the instances using instructions printed during launch. Look for something like this
2018-09-06 17:26:23.562096 15.imagenet: To connect to 15.imagenet
ssh -i /Users/yaroslav/.ncluster/ncluster5-yaroslav-316880547378-us-east-1.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@
tmux a
This will connect you to tmux session and you will see something like this
.997 (65.102) Acc@5 85.854 (85.224) Data 0.004 (0.035) BW 2.444 2.445
Epoch: [21][175/179] Time 0.318 (0.368) Loss 1.4276 (1.4767) Acc@1 66.169 (65.132) Acc@5 86.063 (85.244) Data 0.004 (0.035) BW 2.464 2.466
Changing LR from 0.4012569832402235 to 0.40000000000000013
Epoch: [21][179/179] Time 0.336 (0.367) Loss 1.4457 (1.4761) Acc@1 65.473 (65.152) Acc@5 86.061 (85.252) Data 0.004 (0.034) BW 2.393 2.397
Test: [21][5/7] Time 0.106 (0.563) Loss 1.3254 (1.3187) Acc@1 67.508 (67.693) Acc@5 88.644 (88.315)
Test: [21][7/7] Time 0.105 (0.432) Loss 1.4089 (1.3346) Acc@1 67.134 (67.462) Acc@5 87.257 (88.124)
~~21 0.31132 67.462 88.124
The last number indicates that at epoch 21 the run got 67.462 top-1 test accuracy and 88.124 top-5 test accuracy.
If you run locally, you may need to download imagenet yourself, follow instructions here --