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Everyone's favourite board game... with IRC support and fancy colours!


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       Cat-powered!     _ActiveAraboly _  support  _  out of the box!  Built on NT technology!    100% vegan!
         _     _,      / \   _ __ __ _| |__   ___ | |_   _            ___  ___  ___  ___           ,_     _
         \~-,_//|     / _ \ | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| | | | |  Only    |_  |/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \  Only    |\\_,-~/
 .--,    | _  _ \    / ___ \| | | (_| | |_) | (_) | | |_| |  uses   / __// // / // / // / $3999   / _  _ |    ,--.
 '-, \   ( $  $  )  /_/   \_\_|  \__,_|_.__/ \___/|_|\__, | 128 MB /____/\___/\___/\___/   for   (  %  % )   / ,-'
    ) )_.-\_T_  /   Immaculately crafted 64-bit code!|___/  RAM on                      25 users! \  _T_/-._( (
   / .'         \   Exquisite 24-bit True Colour graphics! average!    Service Pack 4             /         `. \
  | /   _BANKCAT |              _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _     _   _   _   _   _   _          | DICECAT_   \ |
  |      \  , / /  Most secure / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \  Almost  \ \ ,  /      |
   \   __/_-| ||   version of ( A | d | v | a | n | c | e | d ) ( S | e | r | v | e | r ) supports || |-_\__   /
    '-,____)'\_)) Araboly yet! \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/   \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/   Alpha! ((_/`(____,-'

       **WARNING**:  All characters and events in this IRC board game -- especially those based on real people --
       are entirely fictional. The game contains coarse language, politically incorrect and universally offensive
          humour, extremely unfunny jokes that even the most ordinary hippopotami would categorically refuse to
         entertain, and due to its content it should not be played by anyone. If you are affiliated with South(c)
        Park(r) Studios(tm), (r)Hasbro(c). (tm)Inc(tm), Mi(c)rosoft(r) Co(r)po(r)a(tm)ion, Digital(c) Equipment(c)
       Corporation(c), Hewlett(tm)-Fiorina(c), the Martian Congressional Republic(tm), the Association of Anarchist
       Monsters of SandNET (AAMS(c),) and/or the Shadow Police(tm), please feel free to contact our corporate legal
      department at Road of Frozen Despair #19342457, Icy Death Plains County, Central South Pole, South Pole, Chile
                                              should you feel like suing us.

Araboly 2000 Advanced Server SP4

Everyone's favourite board game... with IRC support and fancy colours! (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT licence. Screenshot

How to run:

usage: ./ [-c <channel name>] [-d] [-C <connect timeout>]
                          [-f <delay in ms>] [-h] [-n <nick name>] [-p <port>]
                          [-r <IRC real name>] [-S] [-u <user name>] -H <hostname>

         -c <channel name>.....:  defaults to #ARABOLY.
         -C <connect timeout>..:  defaults to 15 (seconds.)
         -d ...................:  load snapshot, break into pdb prompt & save snapshot on exception; disabled by default.
         -f <delay in ms>......:  defaults to 0 (disabled.)
         -h ...................:  display this screen.
         -H <hostname>.........:  no default, must always be specified.
         -n <nick name>........:  defaults to ARABOLY.
         -p <port>.............:  defaults to 6667 or 6697 if using SSL.
         -r <IRC real name>....:  defaults to `Araboly 2000 Advanced Server SP4'.
         -R ...................:  record games to savefiles; disabled by default.
         -S ...................:  use SSL; disabled by default.
         -u <user name>........:  defaults to ARABOLY.

Requires Python >= v3.5 and YAML.

General IRC commands:

  • .melp? -- explodes.
  • .mhelp -- Display help screen
  • .mpart -- Leave current game
  • .msave filename -- Saves local snapshot to assets/savefiles/filename
  • .mstatus -- Display game and player status

Bot owner IRC commands:

  • .mkick player -- Kick player from game
  • .mstop -- Stop current game

Attract mode IRC commands:

  • .mload filename -- Load local snapshot from assets/savefiles/filename
  • .msetup max_players -- Enter new game setup mode; max_players defaults to 6
  • .msetup difficulty max_players -- Enter new game setup mode; difficulty must be either of easy or hard, defaults to easy max_players defaults to 6

Game setup mode IRC commands:

  • .mjoin -- Join game
  • .mstart -- Start game

In-game IRC commands:

  • .maccept player -- Accept last trade offer from player
  • .mboard -- Display game board
  • .mbuy player field price -- Offer/counter-offer to buy field from player at price
  • .mdevelop field level -- Develop property on field at level level
  • .mdice -- Roll dice, advance player, and process turn
  • .mjoin -- Join game
  • .mlift field -- Lift mortgaged property field at the cost of 50% market value and 10% interest
  • .mmortgage field -- Mortgage field property at 50% market value and 10% interest
  • .mreject player -- Reject last trade offer from player
  • .msell player field price -- Offer/counter-offer to sell field to player at price

Property mode IRC commands:

  • .mbuy -- Buy offered property
  • .mpass -- Don't buy offered property and enter auction mode

Auction mode IRC commands:

  • .mbid price -- Bid on property at price
  • .mpass -- Pass on property

Bankruptcy mode IRC commands:

  • .mmortgage field -- Mortgage field property at 50% market value and 10% interest


Everyone's favourite board game... with IRC support and fancy colours!







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