Reprository with Graph Attention Layer with fully valuable edge features used in Rosmmann-toolbox paper.
python >= 3.6
torch >= 1.7.0
dgl >= 0.5.3
create graph
import dgl
import torch as th
from egat import EGATConv
num_nodes = 45
num_node_feats, num_edge_feats = 20, 20
num_attn_heads = 1
contacts = th.rand((num_nodes, num_nodes)) #random distance matrix
adj = contacts > 0.5 #binarize to obtain adjecency matrix
u, v = th.nonzero(adj, as_tuple=True) #edges list
graph = dgl.graph((u,v))
node_feats = th.rand((num_nodes, num_node_feats))
edge_feats = th.rand((graph.number_of_edges(), num_edge_feats))
initialize egat layer
#use as regular torch/dgl layer work similar as GATConv from dgl library
egat = EGATConv(in_node_feats=num_node_feats,
forward pass
new_node_feats, new_edge_feats = egat(graph, node_feats, edge_feats)
#new_node_feats.shape = (*, num_heads, out_node_feats)
#new_eode_feats.shape = (*, num_heads, out_edge_feats)