install-dreamhost version 3.0
Installs updated versions of Python, Mercurial, Git in your home folder.
Useful for environments where you don't have sudo access (such as on a shared server like Dreamhost)
It includes a number of dependencies (berkeley db, bzip, curl, openssl, readline, sqlite, tcl, tk) and installs some additional programs (django, pip, virtualenv, cgit, lesscss, inotify).
It has been tested on Dreamhost on a shared server running Debian.
It should work with other hosts, but it hasn't been tested.
Binaries installed into ~/local/bin
. ~/local/bin
is added to your
bash PATH
(You will need to add this to your
if you are not using bash for your shell)
After installing, log out and log back in to setup your environment. (You may also try running
exec bash -login
instead of relogging)
To test if everything worked, make sure that
which python
returns "~/local/bin/python" and verify the python version
python --version
Make sure you source ~/.bashrc in your ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bashrc
or else .bashrc will not be read when you log in, so your PATH may not be setup correctly for your newly installed tools. Ref:
You may delete the downloads directory after installation is complete.
rm -rf downloads
Run the uninstall script
This will remove the ~/local
directory and attempt to revert
changes made by this script.
Note you can manually uninstall by deleting the ~/local
and delete the entries in ~/.bashrc
and ~/.hgrc
Originally created by Tommaso Lanza, under the influence of the guide published by Andrew Watts at:
Also, thanks to Kelvin Wong's python installation guide at
Use this script at your own risk.
April 26 2012 - Kristi Tsukida
- v3.0
- Add ruby and rvm
April 24 2012 - Kristi Tsukida
- Add verification tests
- Cleanup program output
- Rename script
April 17 2012 - Kristi Tsukida
- Update to latest versions
- Silence unnecessary output
Sep 4 2011 - Kristi Tsukida
- Add node.js, lesscss and inotify
Aug 1 2011 - Kristi Tsukida
- Updated version numbers and urls
- Use pip to install python packages
- Check for directories before creating them
- Pass --quiet flags and redirect to /dev/null to reduce output
- Add log files
- Download into the current directory
- Add uninstall
- Remove lesscss gem (repo old, and lesscss seems to be in js now)
- Don't install into a virtualenv
- /usr/local style install instead of /opt style install (I prefer the simplerPATH manipulations)
- Default the install into ~/local
TODO: add virtualenvwrapper? TODO: auto-detect latest versions of stuff (hard to do?) TODO: add flag/option for /opt style install (Put python, mercurial, and git into their own install directories) TODO: more sophisticated argument parsing