This repository contains Ansible scripts for bootstrapping and securing an Ubuntu server. Scripts have been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 hosted on RunAbove and DigitalOcean.
The included tasks are following:
- Update and upgrade Ubuntu packages via apt-get
- Configure locale
- Install ntp to synchronize time
- Install vim and mc (my personal preference)
- Install fail2ban to block ssh brute-force attempts
- Delete root password
- Lock down sudo
- Lock down ssh to prevent root and password login
- Setup the ufw firewall
- Configure unattended security upgrades
- Install collectd deamon and collect-web front-end client (optionally)
- Create users (optionally)
First of all, install the latest version of Ansible, in Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ansible
Next, clone this repository:
$ git clone
Copy sample configuration files:
$ cp hosts.sample hosts
$ cp group_vars/server.yml.sample group_vars/server.yml
Edit configuration files (hosts and group_vars/server.yml) with your own configuration.
Set password for admin user and add this user to sudoers group.
$ ansible-playbook user.yml
Enter username: admin
Enter password:
confirm Enter password:
Enter path [~/.ssh/]:
Add user to sudoers group (y/n) [n]: y
Create admin user and add this user to sudoers group.
$ ansible-playbook user.yml --user root
Enter username: admin
Enter password:
confirm Enter password:
Enter path [~/.ssh/]:
Add user to sudoers group (y/n) [n]: y
Finally, execute bootstrap Ansible task for admin user:
$ ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --ask-sudo
sudo password:
After successfully bootstrapping and securing your server, reboot server for kernel updates.
$ ansible-playbook reboot.yml --ask-sudo
sudo password:
Are you sure you want to reboot server (yes/no)? [no]: yes
Also you can install collectd, deamon which collects system performance statistics periodically and collectd-web, web-based front-end for data collected by collectd.
$ ansible-playbook collectd.yml --ask-sudo
You can add new user or update the existing one using the following script:
$ ansible-playbook user.yml --ask-sudo
Released under the MIT License, Copyright (c) 2015 - Marcin Mierzejewski