This application allows users add a sticky note, edit note contents, edit the size of the note by dragging its sizes and allows users place the note anywhere on the page by dragging the note around the page.
- Create and Edit Notes.
- Move the notes around the page for better organaization.
- Increase size of notes by dragging its sides.
- Delete a note by dragging the note over a predefined 'trash' zone.
- Each new note comes in different exciting background colors.
- Each note is saved in the localStorage so it persists between refreshes.
This application uses majorly:
- [ReactJS]
- [TypeScript]
- [React Bootstrap UI Framework]
- [React Redux]
Dillinger requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
npm i
npm start
You can check out the live demo of the application here =>