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The Legion API supports Kimitri's community hub, enabling integrations across the Legion ecosystem.


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Legion API

The Legion API powers the community hub for Kimitriโ€™s fans, providing endpoints for user interactions as well as administrative endpoints for management. It serves as the backbone for all integrations within the Legion ecosystem, ensuring connectivity and scalability.


Quick Start

To run the Legion API locally, make contributions, or integrate it with your application, follow the Contribution Guidelines.


For information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Legion API, see


Lists API endpoints for easier integration with your application. You can call the Legion API in any language.

โš We do not provide sandbox URL. If you need endpoints to assist in developing your application, follow the Contribution Guidelines to run Legion API locally.


Legion API secures restricted routes using JWT authentication, supporting multiple authentication methods, including password-based login, One-Time password (OTP) authentication, and two-factor authentication (2FA).

POST /users/login Authenticate User Password

Authenticate User Password

This endpoint authenticates a user by verifying their email or username along with the provided password. If the credentials match a registered user in the database, a JSON Web Token (JWT) is generated and returned to the client.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.

Body Schema

name type Required description
username string no The username of the user. Either username or email must be provided.
email string no The email of the user. Either username or email must be provided.
password string yes The password for the user.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "User authenticated successfully!",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "token": {
       "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR...",
       "expiresIn": "1737648644"

Response Header Parameters

name value description
Set-Cookie refreshToken=<new_token>; Max-Age=<max_age>; Path=/users/auth/refresh; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict A new refreshToken is issued as an HTTP-only cookie. The cookie itself expires after 27 days, while the token remains valid for 30 days.

Response Body


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains the authenticated user's details and tokens. string Unique identifier for the authenticated user (ULID format). string Name for the authenticated user. string Email for the authenticated user.
data.username string Username for the authenticated user.
data.token object Contains authentication tokens and their expiry.
data.token.accessToken string The JWT access token.
data.token.expiresIn string The token expiration time (UNIX timestamp).
POST /users/otp/login Authenticate User with OTP (One-Time Password)

Authenticate User with OTP (One-Time Password)

This endpoint authenticates a user by verifying their email or username along with the OTP (One-Time Password) token provided by the userโ€™s authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator). If the OTP token matches the one generated by the app and passes all validation checks, a JSON Web Token (JWT) is generated and returned to the client for further authentication.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.

Body Schema

name type Required description
username string no The username of the user. Either username or email must be provided.
email string no The email of the user. Either username or email must be provided.
token string yes The OTP code generated by the userโ€™s authenticator app.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "User authenticated successfully!",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "token": {
       "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR...",
       "expiresIn": "1737648644"

Response Header Parameters

name value description
Set-Cookie refreshToken=<new_token>; Max-Age=<max_age>; Path=/users/auth/refresh; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict A new refreshToken is issued as an HTTP-only cookie. The cookie itself expires after 27 days, while the token remains valid for 30 days.

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains the authenticated user's details and tokens. string Unique identifier for the authenticated user (ULID format). string Name for the authenticated user. string Email for the authenticated user.
data.username string Username for the authenticated user.
data.token object Contains authentication tokens and their expiry.
data.token.accessToken string The JWT access token.
data.token.refreshToken string The JWT access refreshToken.
data.token.expiresIn string The token expiration time (UNIX timestamp).
POST /users/auth/refresh Refresh User Acess Token

Refresh User Acess Token

This endpoint refreshes an expired access token by validating the provided refresh token. If the refresh token matches a registered token in the database and both access token and refresh token has a valid signature, a new JSON Web Token (JWT) is generated and returned to the client. Additionally, a new refresh token is issued as an HTTP-only cookie, while the previous refresh token is revoked.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.
Authorization yes Access Token, a Bearer token in the format Bearer <JWT> for authenticating the request and ensuring access.

Note: The refreshToken is automatically sent by the browser in the Cookie header if the client has a valid session. It does not need to be manually set in the request.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "Token refreshed successfully",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "token": {
       "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR...",
       "expiresIn": "1737648644"

Response Header Parameters

name value description
Set-Cookie refreshToken=<new_token>; Max-Age=<max_age>; Path=/users/auth/refresh; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict A new refreshToken is issued as an HTTP-only cookie. The cookie itself expires after 27 days, while the token remains valid for 30 days.

Response Body


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains the authenticated user's details and tokens. string Unique identifier for the authenticated user (ULID format). string Name for the authenticated user. string Email for the authenticated user.
data.username string Username for the authenticated user.
data.token object Contains authentication tokens and their expiry.
data.token.accessToken string The JWT access token.
data.token.expiresIn string The token expiration time (UNIX timestamp).
POST ๐Ÿ”’ /users/{userId}/otp/secret Generate One-Time Password (OTP) URL

Generate One-Time Password (OTP) URL

This endpoint generates a One-Time Password (OTP) authentication URL for a user. The client can use this URL to generate OTPs through an authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator) linked to the userโ€™s account.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.
Authorization yes A Bearer token in the format Bearer <JWT> for authenticating the request and ensuring access.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "Otp url generated successfully",
   "data": {
     "otpauthUrl": "otpauth://totp/jhondoe123?secret=LESZPGTBS5Y33CWCGYTP6CHTVETX5RRV&issuer=LegionKimitri&algorithm=SHA256&digits=6&period=30",

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains the generated OTP authentication URL.
data.otpauthUrl string The OTP URL that can be used in an authenticator app.
PUT /users/{userId}/otp Enable One-Time Password (OTP) Authentication

Enable One-Time Password (OTP) Authentication

This endpoint enables One-Time Password (OTP) authentication for a user. The user must provide a valid OTP code generated by an authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator) linked to their account.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.

Body Schema

name type Required description
token string yes The OTP code generated by the userโ€™s authenticator app.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "User OTP enable successfully",

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.


GET /users?page={number} List Users

List Users

Retrieves a paginated list of users, with 20 users per page, including detailed information for each. If the user is marked as deleted, the response return deleted status without exposing sensitive or unnecessary data.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
page string yes The page number to retrieve.
includeDeleted string no If set to true, includes data for soft-deleted users in the response. By default, only active users are retrieved.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "Users list retrieved successfully!",
   "data": {
     "users": [
              "id": "01JJ02AHX4NEFDRH5PT5KQX5MT",
              "name": "Elaine Windler",
              "username": "Jaylon.Stamm22",
              "email": "",
              "kats": 0,
              "rank": null,
              "isActive": true,
              "createdAt": "2025-01-19T19:58:34.404Z"
              "id": "01JJ0W0VM4F6DFDZWYD6P10E21",
              "name": "Miss Luz Brakus",
              "username": "Verlie.Dietrich66",
              "email": "",
              "kats": 0,
              "rank": null,
              "isActive": true,
              "createdAt": "2025-01-20T03:27:39.652Z"
      "pagination": {
          "totalPages": 1,
          "totalItems": 3,
          "isLastPage": true

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains the list of users and pagination details.
data.users[] array An array of user objects.
data.users[].id string Unique identifier for the user (ULID format).
data.users[].name string The user's full name.
data.users[].username string The user's username.
data.users[].email string The user's email address.
data.users[].kats number Represents the amount of Legion community currency the user possesses.
data.users[].rank number The user's rank within the Legion community (null if unranked).
data.users[].isActive boolean Indicates whether the user is active.
data.users[].deletedAt string The date the user was deleted, or null if active.
data.users[].restoredAt string The date the user was restored.
data.users[].createdAt string Date when the user was created (ISO 8601 format).
data.pagination object Pagination information for the result set.
data.pagination.totalPages number Total number of pages available.
data.pagination.totalItems number Total number of users available.
data.pagination.isLastPage boolean Indicates whether the current page is the last one.
GET /users/{userId} Get User

Get User

Fetches detailed information about a specific user using the provided id. If the user is marked as deleted, the response return deleted status without exposing sensitive or unnecessary data.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.

Path Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id string yes The unique identifier of the user.

Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
includeDeleted string no If set to true, includes data for soft-deleted users in the response. By default, only active users are retrieved.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "User retrieved successfully!",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "kats": 0,
     "rank": 0,
     "isActive": true,
     "deletedAt": null,
     "createdAt": "2025-01-13T03:14:41.000Z"

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains user authentication details. string Unique identifier for the user (ulid format). string Name for the user. string Email for the user.
data.kats number Represents the amount of Legion community currency the user possesses.
data.rank number Indicates the user's rank within the Legion community.
data.isActive boolean Indicates if the user is currently active.
data.deletedAt string Date of the user was deleted.
data.createdAt string Date of the user was created (ISO 8601 format).
POST /users Create New User

Create New User

Allows the creation of a new user in the Legion ecosystem.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.

Body Schema

name type Required description
name string yes The name for the new user.
username string yes The username for the new user.
isTotpEnable string yes If true the endpoint will return the otpauth URL used by Auth Apps (e.g., Google Authenticator) to register a new TOTP token.
password string no The password for the user.
email string no The email for the user.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 201

   "success": true,
   "message": "User created successfully!",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "isActive": true,
     "otpauth": "otpauth://totp/johndoe123?secret=MH27X3S4ZFXEYEPYTARK4TMAZO5CC7LW&issuer=LegionKimitri&algorithm=SHA256&digits=6&period=30",
     "createdAt": "2025-01-13T03:14:41.000Z"

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains user authentication details. string Unique identifier for the created user (ulid format). string Name for the created user. string Email for the created user.
data.isActive boolean Indicates if the user is currently active.
data.otpauth string OTP authentication URL used to configure authentication apps (e.g., Google Authenticator).
data.createdAt string Date of the user was created (ISO 8601 format).
PUT ๐Ÿ”’ /users/{userId} Update User

Update User

Allows updating user data but prevents updates if the username or email already exists in another user's account.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.
Authorization yes A Bearer token in the format Bearer <JWT> for authenticating the request and ensuring access.

Path Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id string yes The unique identifier of the user.

Body Schema

name type Required description
name string yes The name for the user.
username string yes The username for the user.
email string no The email for the user.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "User updated successfully!",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "isActive": true,
     "createdAt": "2025-01-13T03:14:41.000Z"

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains user authentication details. string Unique identifier for the user (ulid format). string Name for the user. string Email for the user.
data.isActive boolean Indicates if the user is currently active.
data.createdAt string Date of the user was created (ISO 8601 format).
DELETE ๐Ÿ”’ /users/{userId} Delete User

Delete User

Allows soft deletion for users. When using this endpoint, users are marked as deleted without permanently removing their data from the database. This approach helps maintain data integrity and prevents potential issues with foreign key constraints.


Header Parameters

name required description
Content-Type yes Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/. Where the 'format' is 'json'.
X-CSRF-Token yes A CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks. Must be included in the request.
Authorization yes A Bearer token in the format Bearer <JWT> for authenticating the request and ensuring access.

Path Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id string yes The unique identifier of the user.


Sample Successful Response

Status Code: 200

   "success": true,
   "message": "User deleted successfully!",
   "data": {
     "id": "01JEVAG858D9NP6A1NMTKXPRRA",
     "name": "John Doe",
     "username": "jhondoe123",
     "email": "",
     "kats": 0,
     "rank": 0,
     "isActive": true,
     "deletedAt": "2025-01-14T03:14:41.000Z",
     "createdAt": "2025-01-13T03:14:41.000Z"

Response Body Schema


Key Type Description
success boolean Indicates whether the request was successful.
message string A message providing additional context.
data object Contains user authentication details. string Unique identifier for the user (ulid format). string Name for the user. string Email for the user.
data.kats number Represents the amount of Legion community currency the user possesses.
data.rank number Indicates the user's rank within the Legion community.
data.isActive boolean Indicates if the user is currently active.
data.deletedAt string Date of the user was deleted.
data.createdAt string Date of the user was created (ISO 8601 format).

Error Codes

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

The server could not understand the request. Indicates one of these conditions:

  • The API cannot convert the payload data to the underlying data type.
  • The data is not in the expected data format.
  • A required field is not available.
  • A simple data validation error occurred.
401 Unauthorized


The request requires user authentication. This error may occur under the following conditions:

  • The request did not include valid authentication credentials.
  • The provided credentials are invalid or incorrect.
  • The authentication token has expired or is missing.
  • The user does not have permission to access the requested resource.
403 Forbidden


The client is not authorized to access this resource although it might have valid credentials. For example, the client does not have the correct JWT Token.

404 Not Found

Not Found

The server did not find anything that matches the request URI. Either the URI is incorrect or the resource is not available. For example, no data exists in the database at that key.

406 Not Acceptable

Not Acceptable

The server cannot use the client-request media type to return the response payload. For example, this error occurs if the client sends an Accept: application/xml request header but the API can generate only an application/json response.

409 Conflict


The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This typically happens when there is an issue that prevents the server from processing the request because it would create an inconsistency. Common scenarios include:

  • Resource conflict: Trying to create or update a resource that already exists, such as attempting to create a user with an email address that is already in use.
  • Version conflict: Attempting to update a resource with outdated data or conflicting changes, such as trying to update a record that has been modified since it was last fetched.
  • State conflict: Attempting an operation that is not allowed based on the current state of the resource, such as trying to delete a resource that is in use or locked.
415 Unsupported Media Type

Unsupported Media Type

The API cannot process the media type of the request payload. For example:

  • The client sends a request with an unsupported Content-Type (e.g., sending application/xml when the server only supports application/json).
  • The server cannot process the data in the Content-Type because itโ€™s in an unexpected format (e.g., trying to upload a .jpg file when only .png files are allowed).
  • The Content-Type header is missing or malformed.
422 Unprocessable Entity

Unprocessable Entity

The API cannot complete the requested action and might require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request. For example, this error occurs for any business validation errors, including errors that are not usually of the 400 type.

429 Too Many Requests

Too Many Requests

The rate limit for the user, application, or token exceeds a predefined value.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

A system or application error occurred. Although the client appears to provide a correct request, something unexpected occurred on the server.

503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server cannot handle the request for a service due to temporary maintenance.

Legionnaire Contributors

contributors list


The Legion API supports Kimitri's community hub, enabling integrations across the Legion ecosystem.



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
