Telegram bot to give you current data from the University of Applied Sciences Dresden.
Message @htwdresdenbot to get started π
Just type /
in a chat with the bot and your client will list possible commands.
This is not an official HTW Dresden project.
When asking the bot for your grades it unfortunately requires your login details. The telegram account @htwdresdenbot is run by me, @kiliankoe. This means that you're basically trusting me to keep your login safe. Whilst I promise not to do anything nefarious with that, it is extremely advisable to run an instance of this bot yourself that you control and trust. Keep reading for instructions on how to do that.
All you need to run this bot is a telegram bot token (message @botfather) and docker on the machine you want to run this from. Once you do, run the following.
$ git pull
$ cd htwdresdenbot
$ docker build -t htwbot .
$ docker run -d --name htwbot -v $(pwd)/htw_bot.db:/htwbot/htw_bot.db -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='your_bot_token' htwbot
If you're not into using docker, you can also run the bot directly by executing
with a python interpreter of your choice (supported/tested is 3.6).