My personal Neovim configuration that shouldn't break often.
- 🚀 Fast and lightweight setup
- 🔍 LSP support for multiple languages (TypeScript, Go, Python, Lua, etc.)
- 🎨 Beautiful UI with Rose Pine theme
- 📝 Intelligent auto-completion with nvim-cmp
- 🔧 Git integration with gitsigns
- 🔍 Fuzzy finding with Telescope
- 🌳 File navigation with Nvim-tree and Harpoon
- 📦 Formatting with conform.nvim
# Clone this repository to your Neovim config directory
git clone ~/.config/nvim
If you have your own dotfiles directory and would like to maintain a copy of your config while also using it, you can use a symbolic link:
ln -s /path/to/target_directory /path/to/symlink_directory
# Example: here the original directory lives at ~/dev/dotfiles/.config/nvim
# and we are creating a symbolic link at the path ~/.config/nvim
ln -s ~/dev/dotfiles/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim
Space is used as the leader key. Some useful key mappings include:
- Find files with Telescope<Space>F
- Live grep with Telescope<Space>e
- Toggle Nvim-tree file explorer<C-h/j/k/l>
- Navigate between windows<C-Up/Down/Left/Right>
- Resize windows<S-h/l>
- Navigate between buffers<Space>a
- Add file to Harpoon<Space>h
- Toggle Harpoon menu
The configuration uses lazy.nvim for plugin management with a modular structure:
├── init.lua # Main configuration
├── lua/
│ ├── config/ # Configuration modules
│ │ ├── keymaps.lua # Key mappings
│ │ ├── completion.lua # Completion setup
│ │ └── snippets.lua # Snippet configuration
│ ├── lazy-config.lua # Lazy.nvim bootstrap
│ └── plugins/ # Plugin configurations
├── init.lua # Core plugins
├── bufferline.lua # Buffer line config
├── comments.lua # Comments plugin
├── conform.lua # Formatting setup
├── lsp.lua # LSP configuration
└── ... # Other plugin configs
Key plugins included in this configuration:
- Lazy.nvim - Plugin manager
- Telescope - Fuzzy finder
- Nvim-tree - File explorer
- Nvim-lspconfig - LSP configuration
- Nvim-cmp - Completion engine
- Treesitter - Better syntax highlighting
- Harpoon - Quick file navigation
- Conform.nvim - Code formatting
- Gitsigns - Git integration
- Rose Pine - Main colorscheme
To customize the configuration:
- Modify options in
- Change keymappings in
- Add or remove plugins by editing files in the
directory - The project root
is where you can set your desired colorscheme. You'll need to install the colorscheme plugin and initialize it atlua/plugins/init.lua
- Neovim 0.9.0 or later
- Git
- A Nerd Font (for icons)
- Language servers for the languages you work with
Language servers are configured in lua/plugins/lsp.lua
. The configuration uses Mason for easy installation of LSP servers. Open Neovim and run:
Then install the language servers you need.
For text folding, syntax highlighting, text-object manipulating and other parsing functions you'll want to do a :TSInstall languageOfYourChoice
for each langauge you'll be using.