A Web3 Dapp deployed on Optimistic Ethereum to mint, transfer and explore NFT rewards for the participants of 30-Days of Web3.0. https://absorbing-title.surge.sh 👀
It's a hackathon, and an opportunity to work with your peers, ship a project, and gain hands-on Web3 experience in small, collaborative, focused cohorts. 🐦 See on Twitter.
📅 Cohort #0, named Genesis, spanned over 4 weeks in Januaray 2022.
This repository contains the work of one team of the Genesis cohort, composed of @kethcode, @xavierbrochard, and @Larkef.
We built this decentralized application (Solidity smart contracts + frontend + NFT artwork), and deployed it on the Optimistic Ethereum blockchain. This Dapp lets the hackathon's admins mint and distribute NFT rewards to all hackathons participants. It also includes a hall of fame to explore all NFTs minted this way.
The main Solidity smart contract is ./packages/hardhat/contracts/NFT30Web3.sol
. It extends this generic ERC721 token smart contract.
The method mint
mints and transfers a new NFT to the specified address. It can only be called by an admin, and this is handled by the underlying smart contract ./packages/hardhat/contracts/Adminlist.sol
The method tokenURI
is a view that renders an existing NFT, based on its id
. The rendering takes place in the underliyng smart contract ./packages/hardhat/contracts/Renderer.sol
A React application, using eth-hooks to interface with any EVM-compatible blockain.
It's composed of 3 main views:
The frontend static assets are deployed on surge.sh, using:
yarn surge
The NFT artwork is a fully on-chain SVG. Its main color is pseudo-randomly computed at mint time, creating a unique visual for each holder.
As the the main smart contract is an extension of a ERC721 token smart contract, and it implements a method contractURI
, it's 'listable on public NFT marketplaces like OpenSea and Quixotic.
Since the Dapp is deployed on Optimistic Ethereum, we listed the collection on Quixotic. Take at look at it here! 👀
Repository is based on https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth for its ease of use. Shoutout to all the great builders who made it. 🎩