This is practically a fork of diffusion-noise-alternatives and actually has far fewer features.
In comparison this extension is much faster.
Color control over outputs is most noticeable when all three colors are changed. Try a high min with one color and a low max with the other two to see a clear impact.
-1 means no value. If a min is -1 it is 0; if a max is -1 it is 255
This extension changes the initial noise from SD's basic gaussian noise in txt2img to allow for color control.
Because it only changes the initial state, it is easily overridden by loras or even the subject. If you turn
Output with no parameters set:
Same seed, parameters, etc. but brightness maxed at 50/255:
Same but high minimum red (and low maximum green and blue, to further emphasize red)
Same with high minimum green, slight minimum red and a low maximum blue
Under the hood, this extension actually uses the img2img pipeline. As a result, some extensions or some combination of extensions do not work properly.
- Would be nice to improve on the UI
- As brightness goes up, maybe the other colors could go up too
- I guess it should handle strange inputs like a min being higher than a max