An ESP32 and an ePaper Display reads Open Weather Map and displays the weather
Take a look at the V2 Marani Version. If you like it, download it, if not, take the original one from G6EJD
I just enhanced his version, like:
- Better alignment of Text and Graphics
- Better alignment of Forecast Multiline-Text
- Wind and Gust speeds
- Multi-Graphs to show more than one value (ex. Rain and Snow)
- Ajust-Graphs with moving x-axis descriptions for better readout of forecasts
- Added Moon-Set and Rise times, Distance, Zodiac, Age, Longitude and Latitude and Illumination
- Changed Battery-Display when no battery used
- Moved some Status-Infos to better suitable places
- Stronger lines in Weather Symbols and Wind graphics
- Fixed the positioning of weekday labels to be moved pixelperfect
- Added vertical lines in all historys to get a better differntiation between days
Additional Stuff:
- 3D Case
- Custom made PCB, now with CH9102F fix (cheap CP2104 alternativ UART Chip), you're able to use both chips now
- Contains all needed stuff for battery usage (battery sensor, charge-unit, buck-boost converter)
Download the software to your Arduino's library directory.
From the examples, choose depending on your module either
- Waveshare_7_5_T7 (newer 800x480 version of the older 640x384)
Code requires GxEPD2 library
- which needs [Adafruit_GFX](
- an also requires U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX
Obtain your OWM API key - it's free
Edit the owm_credentials.h file in the IDE (TAB at top of IDE) and change your Language, Country, choose your units Metric or Imperial and be sure to find a valid weather station location on OpenWeatherMap, if your display has all blank values your location does not exist!
Save your files.
Compile and upload the code - Enjoy!
7.5" V2 Marani 800x480 E-Paper Layout
7.5" Old 800x480 E-Paper Layout
7.5" Old 640x384 E-Paper Layout