To run the app you need to do a:
- sudo npm install
- bower install (select versions: 1 then 8, respectively)
If you face throw err run then run bower install:
- sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm
- sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config
In order to serve the app you must go to the cloned folder and run (you must have node in your path):
- npm install -g cordova ionic
- ionic serve
To test plugins run:
- ionic platform add ios
- ionic build ios
- ionic emulate ios
This link is the updated docs for Firebase:
This is how you refeernce the firebase database (this is referencing the accounts branch). Firebase has a few keywords to allow you to determine how you want to communicate (push,set,update,and transaction are a few).
- var ref = firebase.database().ref('accounts');