This is a personal portfolio website built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion. It showcases my experience, education, and projects with a modern, responsive design and smooth animations.
Visit website:
Follow these instructions to clone and run this project on your local machine.
Ensure you have Node.js installed. You should also have npm or Yarn installed.
Clone the repository on your local machine
git clone
Navigate to the project directory
cd myportfolio
Install the dependencies using npm or Yarn
With npm: npm install
With Yarn: yarn install
Start the development server:
With npm: npm run dev
With Yarn: yarn dev
The project should now be running on http://localhost:3000. Open this URL in your web browser to view the application.
To create an optimized production build, run:
With npm: npm run build
With yarn: yarn build
For any questions or support, please contact