You are given an external API endpoint which allows to query recipe information. Each recipe can be accessed by an integer
The recipe id enumeration starts from 1
Example HTTP calls
curl -X GET
curl -X GET
Design an application which would act as a reverse proxy and expose the aggregated recipes from the external API over HTTP.
- The recipes in the aggregated list must contain the same data as the original recipes. Data modifications are not allowed.
- The endpoint response must be
encoded. - The endpoint response time must be lower than
. - The application should be stateless, i.e. it is not allowed to cache the recipe response on the application side.
- The endpoint should not render all the recipes in a single response. It is allowed to make use of pagination.
A user should be able to retrieve an aggregated list of all the recipes from the source API.
Specific requirements
- The endpoint must provide access to ALL available recipes.
- The order for the rendered recipes is irrelevant
- The solution should operate under the assumption that the source API contains an unlimited number of recipes.
All available recipes
are the recipes with theid
lower than theid
with the first404 Not Found
HTTP response status code.For example, if
curl -X GET
returns HTTP status code200 OK
andcurl -X GET
returns HTTP status code404 Not Found
thenall available recipes
are the ones with theids
from 1 to 99999
Example endoint: GET
"id": "5",
// ...
"id": "1",
// ...
"id": "2",
// ...
A user should be able to retrieve a list of aggregated recipes from the source API by a given id
Specific requirements
- The endpoint must provide access to the recipes by the provided
. - The recipes should be ordered by
from lowest to highest.
Example endpoint and response: GET,2,5
"id": "1",
"prepTime": "PT30",
// ...
"id": "5",
"prepTime": "PT30",
// ...
"id": "2",
"prepTime": "PT35",
// ...
Endpoint 1 GET "http://localhost:8080/recipes"
- Provides access to ALL available recipes
- Uses paging. Sample : "http://localhost:8080/recipes?$skip=10&$top=5"
- By default, uses values skip=0 top=10. Hence "http://localhost:8080/recipes" returns first ten records.
- Starts go routines to fetch the recipes concurrently.
- Uses channels to combine response and return back to user.
- Uses 10 goroutines by default to process response in less than 1 sec, but no hard limit set on value of top.
- Returns error response if even 1 GET call to fetch recipe from S3 fails with status code other than 404. Uses timeout of 1 sec in the call to S3.
Endpoint 2 GET "http://localhost:8080/recipes?ids="
- Provides access to all available recipes by id
- Doesn't use paging.
- Sorts the recipes in response based on PrepTime values.
- Starts n go routines to fetch n recipes concurrently. n is the number of ids passed as query parameter.
- Uses channels to combine response and return back to user.
- Returns error response if even 1 GET call to fetch recipe from S3 fails with status code other than 404. Uses timeout of 1 sec in the call to S3.
The code structure for the project has it's motivation in Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture.
- Independence from Frameworks - The architecture does not depend on the existence of some library. Databases/UI frameworks can be swapped easily. Business logic is independent of DB or style of exposure.
- Separation of concerns - Layers of architecture should be such that business concerns, delivery concerns and storage concerns are not intermixed.
- Individual Testable components - The business logic can be tested separately.
- Models - Stores the structures of data. Can be utilized in any layer.
- Repository - This layer is responsible for CRUD operations, whether from DB or another service. No business logic.
- Usecase - This layer will act as the business process handler. It decides and uses Repository layer accordingly.
- Delivery - This acts as the presenter to the outer world. Contacts Usecase layer to respond to API calls.
- docker-compose up