Work with breakpoints through matchMedia.
VueJs simple example
via NPM
npm install match-media-breakpoint --save
Define new instance of MatchMediaBreakpoint with providing breakpoints array at first parametr and callback as second parametr.
The array of breakpoints should consist of objects, the first property of which is the name of the breakpoint, and the second is the value from which the current breakpoint begins. For example:
import { MatchMediaBreakpoint } from 'match-media-breakpoint';
const breakpoints = [
{ breakpoint: 'mobile', width: 0 },
{ breakpoint: 'tablet', width: 768 },
{ breakpoint: 'laptop', width: 1180 },
{ breakpoint: 'desktop', width: 1440 },
const matchMediaBreakpoint = new MatchMediaBreakpoint({
onBreakpointChange: (currentBreakpoint, previousBreakpoint) => {
console.log({ currentBreakpoint, previousBreakpoint });
matchMediaBreakpoint.value // return current breakpoint
matchMediaBreakpoint.previousValue // return previous breakpoint
matchMediaBreakpoint.subscribe(handler) // add listener. The hander will be called with the previous and current breakpoint as parameters at each breakpoint change
matchMediaBreakpoint.subscribe(handler) // remove listener.
matchMediaBreakpoint.destroy() // remove all listeners
This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2018 karambafe. For more information see LICENSE