This is the app part (IOS Swift) of Fake Instagram. This should be used together with [the backend part] (
YouTube Link:
Xcode 略
Clone code to your own computer
cd <your_project_folder>
git clone
cd $Project_Folder
pod install # for first time installation of 3rd packages
pod update # if Podfile changes
open $iosapp_dir/SNSApp/CommonFuncs/WebAPIHandler.swift
update line 21
to use your own IP address (which may be
- Errors are treated correctly
- Register and login screen
- Functional Tab Bar at the bottom of screen
- Scroll through photos and comments
- Like a photo and display users who like a photo in the feed
- Leave a comment
- Sort by both date/time and location
- Search for Users
- Display suggested users to follow
- Algorithm to suggest users
- Take a photo with camera while providing flash options
- Overlay a grid on top of camera view
- Select photo from library instead of taking a new one
- Change brightness and contrast
- Crop a photo
- Apply at least 3 different filters
- Upload photo
- Display users following that liked photos or started following user
- Display activity of users that current user are following
- Display stats on posts, followers and following, profile pic
- Display all user photos uploaded
- In Range Swiping, e.g. Swipe photos to friends nearby that they can view on feed with an "In Range" tag
- Implement a server for communications or retrieve data from actual Instagram API
- [ningk1,]
- [xlyu2,]
- [nianl,]
- [xwu11,]