In this repository you can find REST API code written in Java language for Library Manager project. To start working with the application, you should first run the backend app and then frontend app.
Admin credentials: L: / P: admin
User credentials: create an account with your own credentials :-)
Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security (Json Web Token), Hibernate, JUnit4, Mockito, Lombok, Gradle, Swagger, H2 In Memory Database
Factory, Observer
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- Source code:
- git clone
- Run application by the main method in the LibraryManagerBackendApplication class
- Application will be run on the localhost:8080 address
- Source code:
- git clone
- Run application by the main method in the LibraryManagerFrontendApplication class
- Application will be run on the localhost:8090 address
In the login panel click "Create new account" button and:
Use --> <-- e-mail to create ADMIN user to test all of functions
Use any mail to create NORMAL user to test functions for NORMAL user
E-mail configuration: configure environment variables MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD for the gmail account. Or set gmail username and password directly in the file. Remember that your gmail account must have permission to access account for less secure applications.
Author: Kamil Seweryn