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Cost analysis of all articles using python tkinter UI and pandas


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Checkout more advanced version of the same concept made in Qt @fbr_bom_app

Cost Analysis

Cost analysis of all articles using python tkinter UI, pandas and XlsxWriter.

Made with ❤️ by kalaLokia


The application is for calculating cost of an article by extracting the bill of materials of the article from SAP "bom heirarchy" report, that contains complete heirarchial representation of every article in the unit.


The configuration file (.config.ini) is in the root of the application file, update it accordingly.

  • EXTERNAL FILES - This section contains path to required files that is neccessary at the first time app starting to create a database. The supported format for these reports are: "XLSX", "XLS", "CSV-UTF8"

    bom_heriarchy : SAP report "Bom Hierarchy final" (can be found by searching on search menu option right top)

    item_master : All materials information from SAP "Item Master Data" (search * in the item master data)

    article_rates : This file should contain articles stitching charges, printing charges and basic rate. table headers: "article", "stitch", "print", "basic" and data sample: "1111-br-g", "28.2", "4.1", "477"

  • FIXED RATES - This section contains the extra charges for an article, you can edit the rate or add more or even delete the existing one. Just make sure to use underscore "_" in keys instead of space (eg: wastage_and_benefits).

  • CASE TYPES - You can add or delete it, just points the ending of SAP FG code. Like 1 in G1, L1 or B1 and 2 in G2 or L2 etc

All other sections values can be changed not the keys


  1. Make sure you have bom_heriarchy and item_master files in the desired folder (default: "data" folder). This is required when running app for first time.
  2. Check and update .config.ini accordinlgy.
  3. Start the app (runapp.exe)
    • App will check for the database. and if it is missing it will create one in directory "data" that requires the files in the step 1.
    • If you ever want to update the database, just delete the bom.db file in directory "data" and relanuch the app.
  4. For analyzing the cost of article, that article details has to be in article_rates file in the external files section.
  5. For bulk creation of cost analysis report, a file(format: csv/excel) of article_rates need to be selected, by default it will show report of all articles in the article_rates external file.
  6. Cost sheet(s) exported will be saved to the directory "files" in the root of the application.
  7. Enjoy


Expressions used in the formula:

    - expenses_overheads : Fixed Rates (decalred in config file)
    - sales_return = 1.01  (Sales Return = 1%  - decalred in config file)
    - sell_distr_royalty = 0.1725  (Selling and Distribution = 16.75%, Royalty = 0.50%  -  decalred in config file)

    - st_rate    : Stitching rate
    - pr_rate    : Printing rate
    - ba_rate    : Basic rate
    - mat_cost   : Total cost of materials as per bom calculated
    - cup	     : Cost of upper production
    - cop        : Cost of production
    - total_cost : Total cost
    - net_margin : Net margin


    > cup (cost of upper prod) = (st_rate + pr_rate + mat_cost)
    > cop (cost of prod) = cup + expenses_overheads 
    > total_cost = ((ba_rate * sell_distr_royalty) + cop) * sales_return 
    > net_margin = (ba_rate - total_cost) / ba_rate
    > net_margin_percent = net_margin * 100 


First Look at App