Application is in beta.
Sigma Cars is a car rental application. This is a learning project that was created to practice and demonstrate the development of a full stack web application. Users can search for cars by location, price, and availability, and make reservations for the selected car.
- Sigma Cars is containerized using Docker, providing easy deployments and scalability.
- The backend is developed using ASP.NET Core, a high-performance framework, and utilizes a PostgreSQL database for efficient data storage and retrieval.
- The website is built using Nuxt and Vue, resulting in an interactive and visually appealing user interface. It is developed with a focus on type-safety by using TypeScript
- Project utilizes an Nginx proxy server, which acts as a reverse proxy, handling incoming requests and forwarding them to the appropriate services.
- This repository leverages GitHub Actions to automate the CI/CD process. This ensures that up-to-date images are pushed to Docker Hub, making it easy to deploy the latest version of the project.
- Users can choose to access the system via the REST API documented by OpenAPI schema, allowing programmatic interactions, or use the website for a user-friendly graphical interface.
- Install and set up Docker on your machine.
- Download this file from repository. In PowerShell you can use:
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile docker-compose.yml
. - Open Docker Desktop, ensuring that it is properly installed and running.
- In your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the docker-compose.yml file.
- Run
docker compose up
to start the project.
- After running the application, open
in your preferred web browser. - There is default admin account with email:
and password:admin
- You can access OpenAPI schema at
(can be imported into Postman). - Base path for all REST API endpoints is
First you need to clone this repository. After making changes, you can run the application with docker compose up --build
If you want to use hot reload for frontend:
cd SigmaCars/Frontend
.npm run dev
.docker compose up -f ../
.- Website is now available at
Details for Linux users:
There may be some problems with proxy_pass from nginx to host machine. This stackoverflow answer may help: TD
user([End user]) --- nginx{{Nginx reverse proxy}}
nginx --- backend(ASP.NET Core HTTP API)
backend --- database[(Postgres database)]
nginx --- frontend(Vue + Nuxt website)
CarType ||--o{ Car : x
Department ||--o{ Car : x
Car ||--o{ Rental : x
User ||--o{ Rental : x
I hope you find Sigma Cars project helpful! If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me via github issues.