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Discord Info Commands

kabii edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 8 revisions

🕑 Get the timestamp for any Discord ID (snowflake)

All Discord objects (users, channels, roles, servers...) have a unique ID (called a snowflake) that both serves as the object's identity and contains information such as the time the object was created.

You can right click most objects in the client and if you are in Developer Mode, you will have an option to copy the ID. Putting that ID into the /timestamp command will provide the exact time that object was created. This allows you to find when:

  • A user first made their account
  • A server role was created
  • A channel was created
  • A server was created
  • A message was sent

Usage: /timestamp <Discord ID>

ℹ️ User Info Commands

User info summary (server join time) with /who

If a target user is not provided, the bot will display your account's join time.

Get user avatar with /avatar

user is optional, if it is not provided your own avatar will be retrieved. A user ID can be used to get avatars from outside the current server.

Get a user's Discord ID with /id

Looks up a user's Discord ID by username. User IDs can also be found easily by using Discord's "Copy ID" function.

🏢 Server Info Commands

Get server icon with /icon

Gets the server icon/avatar for the current server.

Get server info with /server

Gets information about the current Discord server.

  • Creation date
  • Server owner
  • Server ID
  • Current member/channel/emoji count
  • Voice region
  • Basic Nitro boost stats

Get all IDs in a server with /ids

The ids command will provide you with a file containing a list of all role, channel, and user ids from your server.