Releases: k3b/APhotoManager
Releases · k3b/APhotoManager
v0.5.5.161220 Image picker
- #7 Implement picker via gallery with ACTION_GET_CONTENT / ACTION_PICK
- you can use APhotoManager as an image picker
- Set Geo: beside picking picking the pos from a map you can also Pick Geo from Photo.
- fix: pick geo via map with no initial value: use last used value as default for current
- Exif-Details-View: sorted, more attributes, xmp-sidecarfile-attributes.
- Folder-Picker Hidden Folders are now displayed as "[...]"
- Folder-Picker Hidden Folders that can be unhidden by media scanner are now displayed as "*[...]"
- Folder-Picker added to contextmenu Hide Images: Make all images below this folder invisible
- Gallery-View contextmenu Start Media Scanner: removes ".nomedia" file to allow "unhide" from "*[...]" folder
v0.5.4.161112 Bugfixes
- Bugfix: Missing clipboard cut/copy support for some edit fields on small screen
- Bugfix #71 : Nullpointer exception on image details of whatsapp photo
- Bugfix #73 : Fix Settings NumberFormatException
- Bugfix delete multible sometimes did not work anymore
- Minor improvement in Filter-View:
- Actionbar icons for cancel/clear/ok instead of pushbuttons that are hidden, when Soft-Keyboard pop-s up
- Path-field: automatic adding sql wildcard "%" if path does not contain path delimiter "/" or wildcard "%"
v0.5.4.161111 Bugfixes
v0.5.3.160927 Mapsforge offline map support
- #64 : Image edit whithout app choser. After image edit rescan file
- #60 Add support for org.mapsforge offline maps
- #62 Added support to display *.gpx and *.kml files as blue markers with popupBubble in map
- #63 contextmenu "Show Photo(s)" in Geographic-Map and Folder-Picker opens Image-View.
- #21 additional languages translations via polish translation by "Maselkowicz". Updates: Italian by "random_r", Japanese by "naofum",Dutch by keunes
- #58 Open APhotoManager-s APhotoMap when some app wants to open online map like
- fix: removed unneeded permissions ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION&ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION inherited from a lib
- #59 upgrade to osmdroid-5.4 that solves Flickering markers when moving map viewport.
v0.5.2.160726 bugfixes
- fixed compatibility issues with android 4.0 (version 14 and 15)
- #55 fixed orientation problem in imageview
- updated lib PhotoView to com.github.k3b:PhotoView:v1.2.6.k3b-5-SNAPSHOT
v0.5.1.160712 Reimplemented precalculated miniimages (thumbnails)
- #21 updated missing italian and japanese translations via crowdwin by "random_r" and "naofum".
- #54 replaced android-s mediaDB-thumbnails with Sergey Tarasevich's Android-Universal-Image-Loader
- Settings View: Thumbnail folder defines the filesystem's directory where precalculated-mini-images (thumbnails) are stored and loaded from.
- #53 performance/quality/thumbnail optimisation for Image-View (improving #10 and #39)
- There is a new setting Big photo width/height optimisation for Image-View
- Loading #10 high resolution photos into Image-View may need up to 1,5 seconds thus preventing fast swiping through the images.
- APhotoManager can load precalculated downscaled mini-versions (a. k. a. thumbnails) which is much faster (< 0.1 seconds) so swiping is possible again.
- If the photo is bigger than Big-photo-width-height-value then it uses thumbnails to allow fast swiping.
- Thumbnails means memoryefficient, fast, but lower-quality.
- As soon as you zoom the full resolution image is loaded.
- folder-context-menu "Details" with statistics about images/thumbnails
- Fixed #52 create submenue "more ..."
- Fixed #36 special mediadb and local handling of ".nomedia" in folders
- Fixed minor bug #34 Filter in "new gallery instance" sometimes not editable when opend from imageview
- Fixed #44 empty copyTo/moveTo dir picker after navigating picker to root-directory
- #21 additional languages added translations: italian by "random_r" and dutch by keunes.
- added #38 Add Menu-item "view in external geo app" for Image-View and Geographic-Map
- added Crash/Debug support: Datetime as part of the crash-log-filename i.e. /mnt/sdcard/copy/log/androFotofinder.logcat-20160509-195217.txt
- added #37 APhotoManager as gallery-replacement for OpenCamera
- added status images to english homepage for translations
and travis-build (branch FDroid
) and (branch master
- added copy/move/delete/rename support for non-jpg images
- updated PhotoViewer to newest version
v0.4.6.160304 Bugfixes Android6 Media Scanner
- Added Image-View menu "Show in new Gallery": opens a new Gallery-View that is prefiltered by the image view sort/filter context. If the Image-View has been opend from an external app before the sort/filter context is the current folder of the image.
- Fixed #22 Update "Show in map" menu for Image-View is only visible if current image has geo infos.
- Fixed #33 Android-6 Media Scanner Fixes eleminate npe and duplicate db entries because auf dir-symlinks. Only non-smylink-images are strored in DB
- Fixed added support to INTENT-ACTION-VIEW with "content:" uri if mime is image
- Upgrade lib osmdroid-android from 4.3 to 5.1
Bugfix Android 5 and later: Copy/Move
Bugfix Release:
- Bugfix: #32 Android5 copy photo failed. Directory picker should only show folders that are not write protexted for photo copy/move
- Improvement - more Debug support: Settings Dialog allows to clear current LogCat or write current LogCat to file without having a fatal error (Exception). File Operations erros are writen to logCat.
- Online Help: renamed git repository/wiki url from "AndroFotoFinder" to "APhotoManager"
- #21 additional languages : Added Romanian translation by mironeasav
- Minor bugfixes
- Translations English, French, German, Japanese