trucksu-web is the main web application for Trucksu. It contains:
- the back-end for the website
- osu! avatar server (used by osu! client)
- osu! replay/score endpoints (used by osu! client)
The application consists of an Elixir/Phoenix server on the back-end, and a React/Redux app on the front-end.
Phoenix is a web framework, similar to Ruby on Rails, for Elixir.
Webpack is used to build the JS app.
Within this repo directory, an src
directory should be created after provisioning with Vagrant. You can edit the source code within src/trucksu-web
The source code for the front-end can be found in the trucksu-frontend repository.
Note: If you're not developing Bancho, you may want to change the forwarded ports in the Vagrantfile. For these two lines, change the host ports from 80 to 8080 and from 443 to 8443. If you change these while the vm is running, use vagrant reload
in a shell to update the vm.
# NOTE: One of these steps might prompt you install rebar, say Y
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd src/trucksu-web
# The following block of commands only needs to be run once
$ mix deps.get # run this again if you update dependencies in mix.exs
# Set up the database
$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate # fails unless you comment/remove these lines
$ mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
$ mix phoenix.server
Now visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser! (Or http://localhost if you didn't update the ports in the Vagrantfile)
- Run all git bash shells, cmd.exe with admin privileges
- If vagrant says port 80 is in use, try
net stop http
in an admin shell - If vagrant says port 443 is in use, try quitting Skype
npm install --no-bin-links
, otherwise you get symlink errors
Taken from this StackOverflow answer:
# Run in cmd.exe (possibly with admin privileges)
cmd1: RawCap.exe -f dumpfile.pcap
# Run in git bash (possibly wih admin privileges)
cmd2: tail -c +0 -f dumpfile.pcap | Wireshark.exe -k -i -