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This is the souce code backing


ConGo is a new go server for massive multiplayer consultation go. There is only one game being played at a time. Each player is automatically added to either the black or the white team. Every member on each team gets to vote on the next move. The move with the most votes is chosen.

Quick Start

This is a short (untested) guide to run a development server on Ubuntu Linux.

Clone the congo repo.

git clone
cd congo

Install MySQL, redis and GnuGo.

apt-get install mysql-server redis-server gnugo

Grant a user with read-write access to MySQL.

@TODO describe how to do this from shell

Next, create a file called with our database settings:

echo 'DATABASE = {"dbn": "mysql", "db": "$DB_NAME", "user": "$USER", "pw": "$PASS"}' >

Execute the database schema definitions.

cat db/schema.sql | mysql -u"$USER" -p"$PASS" $DB_NAME
cat db/change_001.sql | mysql -u"$USER" -p"$PASS" $DB_NAME

Install python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To start a new game:


to generate standard users (white, black with password matching username):


or to advance to the next move:


To start the development server.


Make sure to visit http://localhost:8080. If you visit, login won't work.

Source Code Layout

  • controllers: Meta-game logic
  • POST Forms
  • db: Database schema definitions
  • models: ORM definitions
  • requirements.txt: python requirements
  • scripts: helper scripts and cronjobs
  • settings*.py: Server configuration
  • static: CSS and JS source
  • templates: HTML templates
  • views: Display view definitions
  • development server and WSGI entry point