movie-library Public
A Movie and TV Series Library built with ReactJS and TypeScript using The Movie Database API.
TypeScript UpdatedJan 12, 2025 -
twitter-ui Public
Clone of the Twitter User Interface, built with React and TypeScript.
TypeScript UpdatedMay 23, 2023 -
github-finder Public
App to search GitHub users and display their info and repositories, built with React and TypeScript.
TypeScript UpdatedApr 17, 2023 -
slide-stories Public
Slider of images and videos in Instagram Stories style, created with TypeScript.
popular-movies Public
π₯ This project displays a list of popular movies using the The Movie Database API.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 20, 2023 -
sales-stats Public
This project consists of handling sales data and stats from an API of a fictional e-commerce. The goal was to practice data manipulation in TypeScript.
mini-instadogs Public
Mini version of the the InstaDogs project, built to practice Redux.
instadogs-redux Public
Refactoring of the Instadogs project using Redux to manage the global state. Instadogs is a social media app to share dogs' photos, created with ReactJS.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 17, 2023 -
huddle-landing-page Public
Solution to the Huddle Landing Page challenge on Frontend Mentor, built with React and Styled Components.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 13, 2023 -
instadogs Public
πΆ Social media app to share dogs' photos, created with ReactJS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2023 -
birthdays-list Public
A birthdays list app created using CRUD operations and developed with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 26, 2022 -
lofi-pomodoro Public
π΅ Pomodoro timer with a LoFi music player created with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
tic-tac-toe Public
Tic Tac Toe game built with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
calculator Public
Calculator built with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
grocery-list Public
π Grocery list built with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript, and stored using local storage.
HTML UpdatedSep 28, 2022 -
pig-game Public
π² This project is a dice game called Pig Game in which two players race to reach 100 points. It was built with HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
SCSS UpdatedSep 28, 2022 -
mini-projects Public
A collection of mini-projects and exercises I did to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 25, 2022 -
wanderlust-website Public
βοΈ Website of a travel agency called Wanderlust, developed to practice SASS, Bootstrap 5, and JavaScript.HTML MIT License UpdatedSep 20, 2022 -
bootstrap-netninja-book Public
Landing page developed to practice Bootstrap 5.
HTML UpdatedSep 8, 2022 -
bootstrap-bootcamp-website Public
Landing page of a fictional bootcamp developed to practice Bootstrap 5.
HTML UpdatedSep 7, 2022 -
le-scone Public
π₯ Landing page of a fictional restaurant called Le Scone, built with HTML and CSS/SASS π₯ͺ
SCSS UpdatedSep 1, 2022 -
ui-library Public
A library of reusable components: tooltip, dropdown, tabbed content, and snackbar, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 17, 2022 -
chat-room Public
A real-time chat room built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Firebase (Firestore and Authentication).
weather-app Public
β A weather app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that shows the current weather (temperature and conditions) of the city entered by the user.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 19, 2022 -
todo-list Public
A to-do list application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
doctor-strange-quiz Public
A quiz about Doctor Strange made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
HTML UpdatedJun 30, 2022 -
booklist Public
πAn app to create and manage a list of books, built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.