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How to get started with JubaQL

Development Setup

  • Get a Hadoop-enabled version of Spark 1.2.2:
    and unpack it somewhere:
    tar -xzf spark-1.2.2-bin-hadoop2.4.tgz && export SPARK_DIST="$(pwd)/spark-1.2.2-bin-hadoop2.4/"
  • Install Jubatus.
  • Get JubaQL-Client and JubaQL-Server:
    git clone
    git clone
  • Build the JubaQL components:
    • JubaQLClient:
      cd jubaql-client && sbt start-script && cd ..
    • JubaQLProcessor:
      cd jubaql-server/processor && sbt assembly && cd ../..
    • JubaQLGateway:
      cd jubaql-server/gateway && sbt assembly && cd ../..
  • Start the JubaQLGateway:
    cd jubaql-server && java -Dspark.distribution="$SPARK_DIST" -Djubaql.processor.fatjar=processor/target/scala-2.10/jubaql-processor-assembly-1.3.0.jar -jar gateway/target/scala-2.10/jubaql-gateway-assembly-1.3.0.jar -i
  • In a different shell, start the JubaQLClient:
  • You will see the prompt jubaql> in the shell and you will in fact be able to type your commands there, but until the JubaQLProcessor is up and running correctly, you will see the message: "This session has not been registered. Wait a second."

In order to test that your setup is working correctly, you can do a simple classification using the data from the shogun example. Run the following JubaQL commands in the client:

  • CREATE CLASSIFIER MODEL test (label: label) AS name WITH unigram CONFIG '{"method": "AROW", "parameter": {"regularization_weight" : 1.0}}'
  • CREATE DATASOURCE shogun (label string, name string) FROM (STORAGE: "file://data/shogun_data.json")
  • UPDATE MODEL test USING train FROM shogun
  • ANALYZE '{"name": "慶喜"}' BY MODEL test USING classify

The JSON returned by the ANALYZE statement should indicate that the label "徳川" has the highest score.

Run on YARN with local gateway

  • Set up a Hadoop cluster with YARN and HDFS in place.
  • Install Jubatus on all cluster nodes.
  • Get JubaQL and compile it as described above. (This time, Jubatus is not required locally.)
  • Install the Jubatus on YARN libraries in HDFS as described in the instructions. Make sure that the HDFS directory /jubatus-on-yarn/application-master/jubaconfig/ exists and is writeable by the user running the JubaQLProcessor application.
  • To test the setup, also copy the file shogun-data.json from the JubaQL source tree's data/ directory to /jubatus-on-yarn/sample/shogun_data.json in HDFS.
  • Copy the files core-site.xml, yarn-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml containing your Hadoop setup description from one of your cluster nodes to some directory and point the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR to that directory.
  • Get your local computer's IP address that points towards the cluster. On Linux, given the IP address of one of your cluster nodes, this should be possible with something like:
    export MY_IP=$(ip route get | grep -Po 'src \K.+')
    Make sure that this IP address can be connected to from the cluster nodes and no firewall rules etc. are blocking access.
  • Get the addresses of your Zookeeper nodes and concatenate their host:port locations with a comma:
    export MY_ZOOKEEPER=zk1:2181,zk2:2181
  • Locate a temporary directory in HDFS that Spark can use for checkpointing:
    export CHECKPOINT=hdfs:///tmp/spark
  • Start the JubaQLGateway:
    cd jubaql-server
    java -Drun.mode=production -Djubaql.checkpointdir=$CHECKPOINT -Djubaql.zookeeper=$MY_ZOOKEEPER -Dspark.distribution="$SPARK_DIST" -Djubaql.processor.fatjar=processor/target/scala-2.10/jubaql-processor-assembly-1.3.0.jar -jar gateway/target/scala-2.10/jubaql-gateway-assembly-1.3.0.jar -i $MY_IP
  • In a different shell, start the JubaQLClient:
  • You will see the prompt jubaql> in the shell and you will in fact be able to type your commands there, but until the JubaQLProcessor is up and running correctly, you will see the message: "This session has not been registered. Wait a second."

In order to test that your setup is working correctly, you can do a simple classification using the shogun-data.json file you copied to HDFS before. Run the following JubaQL commands in the client:

  • CREATE CLASSIFIER MODEL test (label: label) AS name WITH unigram CONFIG '{"method": "AROW", "parameter": {"regularization_weight" : 1.0}}'
  • CREATE DATASOURCE shogun (label string, name string) FROM (STORAGE: "hdfs:///jubatus-on-yarn/sample/shogun_data.json")
  • UPDATE MODEL test USING train FROM shogun
  • ANALYZE '{"name": "慶喜"}' BY MODEL test USING classify

The JSON returned by the ANALYZE statement should indicate that the label "徳川" has the highest score. Note that the score may differ than in development since multiple Jubatus instances are used for training.


  • When the JubaQLProcessor is started, first the files spark-assembly-1.2.2-hadoop2.4.0.jar and jubaql-processor-assembly-1.3.0.jar will be uploaded to the cluster and added to HDFS, from where they will be downloaded by each executor. It is possible to skip the upload of the Spark libraries by copying the Spark jar file to HDFS manually and adding the parameter -Dspark.yarn.jar=hdfs:///path/to/spark-assembly-1.2.2-hadoop2.4.0.jar when starting the JubaQLGateway.
  • In theory, it is also possible to do the same for the JubaQLProcessor application jar file. However, at the moment we rely on extracting a log4j.xml file from that jar locally before upload, so there is no support for also storing that file in HDFS, yet.

Run on YARN with remote gateway

In general, this setup is very similar to the setup in the previous section. The only difference is that the execution of the gateway takes place on a remote host. Therefore, the jar files for JubaQLProcessor and JubaQLGateway as well as the Hadoop configuration files must be copied there and the JubaQLGateway started there. Also, pass the -h hostname parameter to the JubaQLClient to connect to the remote server.