Docker container for using devpi server with ubuntu, heavily inspired by (and some things borrowed from) apihackers/docker-devpi
Docker image hosted in
docker pull juanformoso/devpi_docker
environment variable will set the root password on first run.
docker run -e "DEVPI_PASSWORD=password" -d -p 3141:3141 --name devpi juanformoso/devpi_docker
To mount your own local devpi cache directory:
docker run -d -v /path/to/devpi/home:/devpi juanformoso/devpi_docker
Use a configuration similar to this in your ~/.pip/pip.conf
index-url = http://localhost:3141/root/pypi/+simple/
Use a configuration similar to this in your ~/.pydistutils.cfg
index_url = http://localhost:3141/root/pypi/+simple/