asdf-gcloud v1.0.0
- check dependencies, use pre-remove and post-add scripts (0d8f298)
- correctly error when no version found (44995e1)
- init asdf plugin commands (c1eb106)
- notify users on uninstall their gcloud proj configs still p… (#15) (29619a7)
- robust list-all version fetching (376d025)
- run shell format on lint (e7c66a0)
- use asdf exec-env to set CLOUDSDK_PYTHON on each gcloud cmd… (#14) (0a30972)
- working mvp (dbf95e0)
Bug Fixes
- adding line break between multiple requests (#28) (e148004)
- BASH_SOURCE for plugin directory resolution (#29) (7cfb499)
- cicd, remove scheduled cicd runs (#30) (f6c0524)
- cleanup logs (#11) (5341c4c)
- convert indent to tabs (811b4d4)
- deps check (0d8f298)
- formatting in issue and PR templates (80aa84b)
- improve docs (0d8f298)
- incorrect git installation command (f0a7b55)
- list-all (#4) (e63974a)
- PR link text when rendering of badge fails (025c1c8)
- relative path sourcing for asdf-direnv compat (#39) (9b3b917)
- shellcheck (0d8f298)
- shellcheck ignore asdf env vars (188f027)
- shellcheck installation source URL (a92239e)
- shfmt in pre-commit hook (#35) (23a2f04)
- shfmt lint (e2993f4)
- unbound array variable (0d8f298)
- uninstall command without using gcloud (#16) (71180e0)
- urls to repo in package.json (ad3bbfa)
- urls to repo in package.json (6971f95)