This uses pathogen to be able to manage plugins based on git submodules. So, after you git clone, you will need to do the following
git submodule init
git submodule update
- <Leader>lp Toggle NERDTree - Show/Hide NERDTree
- <F6> NERDTreeFind - Open NERDTree but in the directory of the currently opened file/buffer
- <F8> - Toggle taglist
- <Leader>p - Toggle the mouse
- jj - Exit to command mode
- <Leader>w - Split the current window
- <Cmd - T> - Open new tab
- <C-X> - Execute the current file (useful for testing executables)
- <C-L> - Run the PHP linter (php -l) on the current file to check for syntax errors
- <Leader>c - Run syntax check
- Ack - Better Searching
- Command-T - File Searching
- FindFile - File Searching
- Fugutive - GIT Integration
- MatchIt - Advanced matching using *
- NERDCommenter - Commenting of code
- NERDTree - File Navigation
- PDV - Generate PHP Documentation
- Supertab - autocompletion using tab
- Taglist - View various aspects of the file being edited
- Syntastic - Syntax checking
- LustyExplorer - Buffer explorer - Search through your open buffers!
- LustyJuggler - Buffer switcher
Add any custom mappings into files and put them .vim/plugin
I highlight any extra whitespace whenever you change modes or enter a buffer... Kill the whitespace!