A Discord bot that compiles code in Discord!
I've got a copy of him running on my linux box, you can borrow him :-) https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=510482832628514837&permissions=0&scope=bot
Download docker on your desired platform of choice
Set up a mariadb container and credentials for it to connect with
Pass it the environment variables it needs and run it with this command (replace my <>'s):
docker run --name=<> --hostname=<> --restart=always -e DB_IP=<> -e DB_USERNAME=<> -e DB_PASSWORD=<> -e DB_PORT=<> -e DISCORD_KEY=<> -d jrcichra/discode:master
Don't laugh at me, some messages in discord will crash discode, but I have a wonderful little script to keep him alive...
I swear I'll figure it out someday.
If you don't like or understand docker, just follow the steps in the Dockerfile. Basically, download node.js, clone this repo, npm install to grab all the dependencies, and then ./run.sh with all the envs after that should do the trick.