This project is a high-performance, scalable backend application for shortening URLs. Built using Java, Spring Boot, and R2DBC-H2, the application supports asynchronous processing, multithreading, and end-to-end testing.
- Converts long URLs into short URLs using Base 62 conversion.
- Reactive and multithreaded processing for enhanced responsiveness and concurrency.
- REST API endpoints for creating and retrieving URLs.
- Comprehensive testing:
- Unit and integration tests with JUnit/Mockito/WebTestClient.
- End-to-end testing with RestAssured.
- In-memory storage using R2DBC-H2 for fast data operations.
- Logging and monitoring with Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP).
- CI/CD pipeline using Docker and Jenkins.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- R2DBC-H2
- JUnit, Mockito, WebTestClient, and RestAssured for testing
- Docker and Jenkins
This project uses the following open-source libraries:
Spring Boot: Apache License 2.0 (Spring Boot):
RestAssured: RestAssured License: