- git
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
# git
# zsh-autosuggestions
git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
# zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Vim plugin manager: vim-plug
junegunn/vim-plug ==> https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug#
File to load vim configuration
Main configuration file
Import plugins
Plugin configuration
Key mapping
In the file $HOME/.vim/plugins.vim
you must execute :PlugInstall
to install the imported plugins
$ git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
$ alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
$ config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
$ echo "alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'" >> $HOME/.zshrc
config status
config add .vimrc
config commit -m "Add vimrc"
config add .bashrc
config commit -m "Add bashrc"
config push
Confirm that the alias has been assigned to either .bashrc
or .zshrc
$ alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
The repository should ignore the folder where it will be cloned, this will avoid recursion problems:
$ echo ".dotfiles" >> .gitignore
Now clone your dotfiles into a bare repository in a "dot" folder of your $HOME:
$ git clone --bare <git-repo-url> $HOME/.dotfiles
Add the alias in the shell:
$ alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
Review the repository content:
$ config checkout
Reviewing may generate the following error:
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.
The error occurs because there may be files that the repository will overwrite, we can do the following:
- Delete the files to replace
- Make a backup of those files
The following code allows to backup those files:
mkdir -p .config-backup && \
config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}
Re-run the check out if you had problems:
config checkout
Set the flag showUntrackedFiles to no on this specific (local) repository:
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Configure commands for adding and updating files:
config status
config add .vimrc
config commit -m "Add vimrc"
config add .bashrc
config commit -m "Add bashrc"
config push