cfn-response is a micro package which exposes some helpers to talk with CloudFormation from within python Lambda functions. This package is intentionally small in order to be embedded lambda functions.
If you are looking to create aws-lambda backed custom CloudFormation resources using python, you are going to need this.
The source is pretty much a literal translation of the javascript version of this module developed by AWS and available here:
Let's say we want to implement a dummy cfn-lambda which waits 5 seconds and then it succeed.
import time
import json
from cfnresponse import send, SUCCESS
def handler(event, context):
if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
send(event, context, SUCCESS)
print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))
send(event, context, SUCCESS)
If you are looking for this library but for javascript, the aws-lambda javascript runtime already have a cfn-response module available. You can read more about here:
If you are looking for this library but for Java, check out