Breaking changes
- The way to import the library changed. The public path helpers are now the main file in the package.json. (b7b59e7)
// Works in both systemjs-webpack-interop@1 and 2
import { setPublicPath } from 'systemjs-webpack-interop';
// New way of importing - works in v2
import { setPublicPath } from 'systemjs-webpack-interop/public-path';
const { checkWebpackConfig, modifyWebpackConfig } = require('systemjs-webpack-interop/webpack-config');
// No longer works with v2
import { setPublicPath } from 'systemjs-webpack-interop/src/systemjs-webpack-interop';
const { checkWebpackConfig, modifyWebpackConfig } = require('systemjs-webpack-interop');
- Merging automated security fixes (#3, #6)
- Update license to 2020 (Still is MIT) - 223356e
- Adding bugs and homepage to package json - 223356e