Get your API key from and see full API documentation.
This API and package can be used to query current and historical prices of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in the following currencies:
- USD - United States dollar
- AUD - Australian dollar
- GBP - British pound
- EUR - European Euro
- CHF - Swiss franc
- CAD - Canadian dollar
- JPY - Japanese yen
- INR - Indian rupee
- SGD - Singapore Dollar
- BTC - Bitcoin
- CZK - Czech Krona
- RUB - Russian Ruble
- PLN - Polish Złoty
- MYR - Malaysian Ringgit
- XAG - Gold/Silver Ratio
To use download the package with go get
Import the package into your project.
Create an API client with api := goldapi.NewAPIClient("your-API-key")
Then call the GetPrice method api.GetPrice(goldapi.Metal, string, string)
takes 3 arguments:
- metal type (use one of the 4 constants from the package
) - currency code as a string (use one of the 3 digits codes from the list above)
- date (optional, pass empty string for today's prices or pass YYYYMMDD formatted string)
package main
import (
func main() {
// Get your API key from
api := goldapi.NewAPIClient(os.Getenv("gold_api_key"))
// Use one of the 4 const Metals from goldapi package:
// Must include currency in ISO 4217.
// Date is optional but must be in YYYYMMDD format.
// If date is left blank today's date will be used.
silverReport, err := api.GetPrice(goldapi.Silver, "USD", "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("The price of silver is %f\n", silverReport.Price)
fmt.Printf("%+v", silverReport)
// A report of your API usage
stats, err := api.GetStats()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\nYou have used %d requests this month", stats.RequestsMonth)
{Timestamp:1604535350 Metal:XAG Currency:USD Exchange:FOREXCOM Symbol:FOREXCOM:XAGUSD PrevClosePrice:23.895 OpenPrice:23.895 LowPrice:23.895 HighPrice:24.042 OpenTime:1604527200 Price:24.04 Ch:0.145 Chp:0.61 Ask:24.059 Bid:24.011}