Product catalog system using spring boot as backend and react as frontend, which is developed in DevSuperior course bootcamp.
- Product catalog screen with pagination;
- Product detail screen;
- Interface for listing, inserting, editing and deleting records.
- Security with data validation, authentication and authorization access;
- CRUD Database access for products, categories and users;
- Automated tests;
- Cloud Services Platforms;
The following tools were used in this project:
- Java JDK 17;
- H2 in-memory database;
- Postgresql 12 database;
- ReactJS user interfaces;
- Netlify web app server;
- Heroku - plataform as a service;
Before starting 🏁, you need to have Java JDK 17, Git and Maven installed.
Clone this project
git clone
cd catalog/backend
Run the project backend
./mvnw spring-boot:run
The backend API will initialize in the browser
🚧 The frontkend is 🚀 Under construction... 🚧
- 📚 See the documentation on wiki
- 📁 App diagrams;
- 🔗 Bootcamp Documentation SDS 5 pt-BR;
- 🔗 Official Apache Maven documentation;
- 🔗 Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide;
- 🔗 Create an OCI image;
- 🔗 Spring Web;
- 🔗 Spring Data JPA;
- 🔗 Spring Security;
- 🔗 Tutorial: Intro to React;
- 🔗 TypeScript Documentation;
This project is under license from MIT. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
Made with ❤️ by Jocile