Simple and reliable background job processing library for Elixir.
- Focuses on being easy to use and handling errors well.
- Will automatically retry failing jobs a few times.
- It has practically no limits on concurrent jobs.
- Can limit concurrency using a max concurrency option.
- Passes arguments to the worker exactly as they where enqueued, no JSON conversion.
- Fails on the side of running a job too many times rather than not at all. See more on this below.
- Works well on limited environments like Heroku where you can't connect multiple Erlang nodes directly or do hot code updates.
- Uses redis to persist jobs but is not resque/sidekiq compatible.
- If you need that then I'd recommend you look at Exq.
- You can run both Exq and Toniq in the same app for different workers.
If anything is unclear about how this library works or what an error message means that's considered a bug, please file an issue (or a pull request)!
Status: Relatively new. Used quite a lot of apps since 1.0 (nov, 2015). If you like, ping @joakimk about how you use toniq and for what size/type of app.
Add as a dependency in your mix.exs file:
defp deps do
{:exredis, ">= 0.2.4"},
{:toniq, "~> 1.0"}
And run:
mix deps.get
Then add :toniq
to the list of applications in mix.exs.
And configure toniq in different environments:
config :toniq, redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379/0"
# config :toniq, redis_url: System.get_env("REDIS_PROVIDER")
If you have multiple apps using the same redis server, then don't forget to also configure redis_key_prefix
If you need to configure redis dynamically after the application starts, you can use redis_url_provider
to block until a redis_url is available.
config :toniq, redis_url_provider: fn -> wait_for_redis_url_to_be_available end
Define a worker:
defmodule SendEmailWorker do
use Toniq.Worker
def perform(to: to, subject: subject, body: body) do
# do work
Enqueue jobs somewhere in your app code:
Toniq.enqueue(SendEmailWorker, to: "", subject: "Hello", body: "Hello, there!")
You can also enqueue jobs using |> like this:
email = [to: "", subject: "Hello", body: "Hello, there!"]
|> Toniq.enqueue_to(SendEmailWorker)
And delay jobs.
email = [to: "", subject: "Hello", body: "Hello, there!"]
# Using enqueue_to:
|> Toniq.enqueue_to(SendEmailWorker, delay_for: 1000)
# Using enqueue_with_delay:
Toniq.enqueue_with_delay(SendEmailWorker, email, delay_for: 1000)
You can pattern match in workers. This can be used to clean up the code, or to handle data from previous versions of the same worker!
defmodule SendMessageWorker do
use Toniq.Worker
def perform(message: "", receipient: _receipient) do
# don't send empty messages
def perform(message: message, receipient: receipient) do
SomeMessageService.send(message, receipient)
For some workers you might want to limit the number of jobs that run at the same time. For example, if you call out to a API, you most likely don't want more than 3-10 connections at once.
You can set this by specifying the max_concurrency
option on a worker.
defmodule RegisterInvoiceWorker do
use Toniq.Worker, max_concurrency: 10
def perform(attributes) do
# do work
An admin web UI is planned, but until then (and after that) you can use the console.
Retrying all failed jobs:
iex -S mix
iex> Toniq.failed_jobs |> Enum.each &Toniq.retry/1
Retrying one at a time:
iex> job = Toniq.failed_jobs |> hd
iex> Toniq.retry(job)
Or delete the failed job:
iex> job = Toniq.failed_jobs |> hd
iex> Toniq.delete(job)
Jobs will be retried automatically when they fail. This can be customized, or even disabled by configuring a retry strategy for toniq (keep in mind that a system crash will still cause a job to be run more than once in some cases even if retries are disabled).
The default strategy is Toniq.RetryWithIncreasingDelayStrategy, which will retry a job 5 times after the initial run with increasing delay between each. Delays are approximately: 250 ms, 1 second, 20 seconds, 1 minute and 2.5 minutes. In total about 4 minutes (+ 6 x job run time) before the job is marked as failed.
An alternative is Toniq.RetryWithoutDelayStrategy which just retries twice without delay (this is used in toniq tests).
config :toniq, retry_strategy: Toniq.RetryWithoutDelayStrategy
# config :toniq, retry_strategy: YourCustomStrategy
As toniq only runs jobs within the VM that enqueued them, it's up to you to enqueue jobs in different VMs if you want to run more of them concurrently than a single Erlang VM can handle.
This could be as simple as web requests to load balanced web servers enqueuing jobs within each web server, or as complex as a custom redis pub-sub system.
Alternatively you can use Toniq.JobImporter to pass jobs to a random VM. It has a little delay due to being a polling system.
identifier = Toniq.KeepalivePersistence.registered_vms |> Enum.shuffle |> hd
Toniq.JobPersistence.store_incoming_job(Toniq.TestWorker, [], identifier)
Instead of using redis as a messaging queue, toniq uses it for backup.
Jobs are run within the VM where they are enqueued. If a VM is stopped or crashes, unprocessed jobs are recovered from redis once another VM is running.
By running jobs within the same VM that enqueues them we avoid having to use any locks in redis. Locking is a complex subject and very hard to get right. Toniq should be simple and reliable, so let's avoid locking!
I would like to know how using this tool works out for you. Any problems? Anything that was hard to understand from the docs? What scale do you run jobs on? Works great? Better than something you've used before? Missing some feature you're used to?
Ping @joakimk or open an issue.
- You don't have to run the code synchronously. E.g. don't delay a web response while sending email.
- You don't have to write custom code for the things a job queue can handle for you.
- You get persistence, retries, failover, concurrency limits, etc.
This is a first-in-first-out queue but due to retries and concurrency, ordering can not be guaranteed.
Jobs are serialized using erlang serialization. It's the same format that is used when distributed nodes communicate. This means you can pass almost anything to jobs.
There is code in place to automatically migrate old versions of jobs.
As soon as another Erlang VM is running it will find the jobs in redis, move them into it's own queue and run them. It may take a little while before this happens (10-15 seconds or so), so that the original VM has a chance to report in and retain it's jobs.
If something really unexpected happens and a job can't be marked as finished after being run, this library prefers to run it twice (or more) rather than not at all.
Unexpected things include something killing the erlang VM, an unexpected crash within the job runner, or problems with the redis connection at the wrong time.
You can solve this in two ways:
- Go with the flow: make your jobs runnable more than once without any bad sideeffects. Also known as Reentrancy.
- Implement your own locking, or contribute some such thing to this library.
I tend to prefer the first alternative in whenever possible.
There is no built-in support yet, but you can use tools like to schedule toniq jobs.
config :quantum, cron: [
# Every 15 minutes
"*/15 * * * *": fn -> Toniq.enqueue(SomeWorker) end
This project uses mix format
to format the code. Ensure that you run that when you make changes. One easy way is to have an editor plugin run it for you when you save.
This library uses semver for versioning. The API won't change in incompatible ways within the same major version, etc. The version is specified in mix.exs.
- The name toniq was thought up by Henrik Nyh. The idea was synonym of elixir with a q for queue.
- Lennart Fridén helped out with building the failover system during his journeyman-tour visit to our office.
- Safwan Kamarrudin contributed the delayed jobs feature.
- 2015
- Presentation at Stockholm Elixir "October talkfest": slides
- Pull requests:
- Are very welcome :)
- Should have tests
- Should have refactored code that conforms to the style of the project (as best you can)
- Should have updated documentation
- Should implement or fix something that makes sense for this library (feel free to ask if you are unsure)
- Will only be merged if all the above is fulfilled. I will generally not fix your code, but I will try and give feedback.
- If this project ever becomes too inactive, feel free to ask about taking over as maintainer.
mix deps.get
mix test
While developing you can use mix --stale
to run tests as you save files.
You can also try toniq in dev using Toniq.TestWorker.
iex -S mix
iex> Toniq.enqueue(Toniq.TestWorker)
iex> Toniq.enqueue(Toniq.TestWorker, :fail_once)
- Work on and/or help others work on github issues
- See if delayed jobs could use incomming jobs for importing so it does not need
. - Report errors in a more standard way, see discussion on honeybadger-elixir#30
- Document how to test an app using Toniq. E.g. use Toniq.JobEvent.subscribe, etc.
- Admin UI (idle, was being worked on by kimfransman)
- That shows waiting and failed jobs
- Make data easiliy available for display in the app that uses toniq
- Store/show time of creation
- Store/show retry count
- MAYBE: JSON API for current job stats
- MAYBE: Webhook to push job stats updates
- A tiny web page instead of just a redirect at
- A phoenix app using toniq with regularly scheduled jobs, and ways to trigger jobs would be fun. Especially if the Admin UI exists so you can see them run, retry, etc.
- Document JobEvent in readme
- Add CI
- Run tests in R17 as people still use that
- Log an error when a job takes "too long" to run, set a sensible default
- Not detecting this has led to production issues in other apps. A warning is easy to do and can help a lot.
- Better error for arity bugs on
since that will be common. Lists need to be ordered, if it's a list, make the user aware of that, etc. - Be able to skip persistence
- Simple benchmark to see if it behaves as expected in different modes
- write job times in microseconds?
- benchmark unpersisted jobs
- benchmark persisting many jobs (100k+)
- benchmark many long running jobs
- optimize a bit
- comparative benchmark for sidekiq and/or exq?
- Test that RedisConnection shows the nice error message
- More logging
- Consider starting toniq differently in tests to better isolate unit tests
- Custom retry stategies per worker
- Support different enqueue strategies on a per-worker or per-enqueue basis
- Delayed persistence: faster. Run the job right away, and persist the job at the same time. You're likely going to have a list of jobs to resume later if the VM is stopped.
- No persistence: fastest. Run the job right away. If the VM is stopped jobs may be lost.
- Add timeouts for jobs (if anyone needs it). Should be fairly easy.
- Look into cleaning up code using exactor
- Look into using redix. A native elixir redis client. Explore error handling and usabillity. Benchmark.
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Joakim Kolsjö
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.