- Scrapes all GitLab
files in all Groups where your API token has access to - Identifies Docker images in use
- Executes security scan
- Provides reports
- List of Docker images per Gitlab Project
- Scan results of unique Docker Images
- Compile
go get -d ./...
go build
- Generate your GitLab Personal Access Token and export
export GITLAB_PAT="abc123"
- Run
❯ ./gcis -h
Usage of ./gcis:
-file string
Filename to dump from Git repo (default ".gitlab-ci.yml")
-ref string
Git Ref (Branch, Tag, Commit) to dump data from (default "main")
Enable trivy scan
- Check
listing all identified imagesscan-TIMESTAMP.md
reporting image vulnerabilities
Optionally install directly as:
go install github.com/jkosik/gcis@latest
❯ gcis -trivy
✅ Trivy detected
Scanning files: ".gitlab-ci.yml" in Git Refs: "main"
Project found, webUrl: https://gitlab.com/group2priv/g2p1priv
Project found, webUrl: https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p2
Project found, webUrl: https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p1
Project found, webUrl: https://gitlab.com/jkosik/ci-snippets
Project found, webUrl: https://gitlab.com/jkosik/blog
❌ https://gitlab.com/group2priv/g2p1priv/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml is NOT reachable (503-Service Unavailable)
✅ https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p2/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml IS reachable (200-OK)
✅ https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p1/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml IS reachable (200-OK)
✅ https://gitlab.com/jkosik/ci-snippets/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml IS reachable (200-OK)
❌ https://gitlab.com/jkosik/blog/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml is NOT reachable (503-Service Unavailable)
Scraping https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p2 https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p2/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml
Scraping https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p1 https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p1/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml
Scraping https://gitlab.com/jkosik/ci-snippets https://gitlab.com/jkosik/ci-snippets/-/raw/main/.gitlab-ci.yml
➜ https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p2 (.gitlab-ci.yml)
➜ busybox
➜ haproxy:lts-bullseye
➜ haproxy:lts-alpine
➜ haproxy:2.7-dev0
➜ https://gitlab.com/group11220/g1p1 (.gitlab-ci.yml)
➜ busybox
➜ nginx:1.22
➜ nginx:1.21.6
➜ nginx:1.21
➜ https://gitlab.com/jkosik/ci-snippets (.gitlab-ci.yml)
➜ busybox
➜ nginx
➜ img2-indented-shifted
➜ img3-indented
➜ img4-normal
➜ img5-shifted
➜ img6-shifted-trailingspaces
➜ img9-stringafter
➜ img10-sgringafter-trailingspace
Image list saved to ./imagelist-20220612T101353Z.md
Running Trivy scans...
↦ Scanning busybox...
2022-06-12T12:13:59.486+0200 INFO Number of language-specific files: 0
↦ Scanning haproxy:lts-bullseye...
2022-06-12T12:14:01.424+0200 INFO Detected OS: debian
2022-06-12T12:14:01.424+0200 INFO Detecting Debian vulnerabilities...
2022-06-12T12:14:01.444+0200 INFO Number of language-specific files: 0
haproxy:lts-bullseye (debian 11.3)
Total: 16 (HIGH: 13, CRITICAL: 3)
Trivy scans saved to scans-* directory. Empty scan results and failed scans have been removed.
- Mind rate-limits on image pulls
- Omitting
populates Docker image list only - Trivy scans expect Trivy installed on your system.