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PoC (current status: experimental*) to create a "web-native"[1] mobile-first SSR framework with Astro and the following integrations:

  • React-Navigation for SPA/native-esque routing
  • React-Native/React-Native-Web (only used to integrate React-Navigation)
  • Konsta UI adaptive styling (i.e. ios/material) with Tailwind
  • Capacitor for accessing native device functionality

Also acts as a decent starter template (IMHO) if you're looking for a modern monorepo setup geared towards shipping multiple sub-packages for an OS library. Uses pnpm workspaces, Nx, Vite, Rollup, etc.

*by experimental, I mean highly experimental 😀. Expect many broken deployments and massive refactoring commits as I figure this out.


  1. pnpm i in project root (run npm i -g pnpm first if you don't have pnpm installed)
  2. pnpm dev to run the app


  • Implement file-based routing (similar to Expo Router, Next.js, etc.)
  • Rewrite mobile tabbar in Svelte to showcased framework interop/mixing-&-matching
  • Fix hydration errors
  • Lazy-load/code-split client-side routes
  • PoC: persistent navigation state across page transitions using window.sessionStorage
  • Add authentication
  • Add backend + service integrations
  • Implement Redis for isomorphic client/server sessions
  • Submit MVP to iOS/Google Play stores
  • Improve dynamic routing system
  • Extract modules into individual Astro plugin integrations
  • Dockerize app, add examples for Node.js and other provider adapters
  • Augment/replace Astro HTML streaming with Vite SSR-compatible RSC payload implementation (e.g.,
  • Isomorphic client + RSC router: deeply integrate aforementioned RSC streaming with react-navigation
  • implement file-based routing + conventions (e.g.,, Remix, Next, etc.)
  • Investigate validity of Valtio as framework-agnostic shared-state solution


First-Class Cross-Platform Development


Sensible Isomorphic DX + UX

Routing Strategy

  • Initial lifecycle: Browser URL request -> SSRd page -> Selective/partial client-side hydration
  • Post-hydration navigation: Defer to client-side routing, except when bottom tab links are clicked.

User Sessions




Framework Agnosticism

Watch Evan You's talk at RenderATL here.

Framework-Agnostic Proxy-Based State (Valtio)

Astro recommends using nanostores to share state amongst components rendered by different frameworks (e.g. React, Svelte).

However, Valtio's proxy-based solution appears better suited due to its first-class React Suspense support (it will throw throw a Promise when accessed within a Suspense boundary and can also integrate with "vanilla" JS via module scope). (NEEDS INVESTIGATION)


  • Tamagui for the huge effort in creating react-native-web-lite, a smaller web-first fork of react-native-web with first-class ESM support + easy Vite integration.
  • Konsta for the genius idea of creating a tailwind-based alternative to Ionic's adaptive mobile UI.

