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Jim Moores edited this page May 22, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Quandl4J wiki!

Why create a new Quandl/Java library?

The primary reason was the GPLv2 license (without classpath exceptions) license on the existing quandl-java library. GPLv2 requires anything linked against the library to also be made available under the GPLv2 license. The library is therefore not useful for any commercial applications.

To address that, Quandl4J is available under the Apache Public License V2 (APL V2), which allows for it's inclusion in commercial products with only minimal requirements to retain copyright notices and so on.

Additionally, Quandl4J has some additional features:

  • Unit and Integration tests
  • Maven artifacts available in Maven Central
  • As much type safety as possible
  • Facilities to allow systems using Quandl to run queries from unit tests without hitting Quandl itself
  • Comprehensive documentation

This library was deliberately developed without reference to the existing library so as to minimise the possibility of IP contamination.

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