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#nimbo2 Project1RSSFeed #by jimbo

this project goal is to get website url from user and manage new feeds and news of those sites and take the main text of news out of the site

to use this service u can use out main and RSSService which is written for the client to get connect to our service

run mysql server First :)

install maven and use it to make package

To use our Code:


   rss of site : the link of the page of site wich containts the link of new feeds
   target class : the special class or tags of main text of news  

functions of our service:

-addWebsite : to add rss of a website to database : it get url of rss and targetClass
-getWebsites : get all websites in database
-updateDatabase : fetch new RSS feed of all websites in database
-updataDatabaseForWebsite : fetch new RSS from specified website
-getallRSSData : List of all RSSItemModel in database 
-getWebsiteRSSData : List of RSSItemModel of specified website 
-getArticle : get string of article of specified website

to run the project :

1- initialize file

2- create database with name you specified and grant all privileges to DB_USERNAME

3- create instance from RSSService class and call this functions (or run Test class main function to check simple functionality)

packages :

1- cli : it contains the Cli which handles the user commands and interface and multi threading
2- core : which contains an instance of all of our services to connect each of them
3-dataBase : handles the database part and configs
4- date engine : handles the date patern and queries in relation with database
5- rssRepo : rssItem are each news of a site which is crawled from that site rssPage and handle request about rssItem
6- searchEngine : which handle users search in database
7- webSite repo : which handle the site rssPage and its query in relation with database

Using our Cli :

RSS are updated automatically when the service start
you can type "?list" to see our commands
our system log exception and error automatically to file
write the name of function and its parameter with a space like : f p1 p2 p3
our Commands:
    get-web-sites : return all websites which you added
    add-website : added a new website to data base + its parameter is target class of its new
    update : without parameter : updates all of site in data base for new feeds
    update + link : update news for that site
    get-some-last + site link + number : return those number of last news from the site that you mention
    get-news-count-for-day + link + pastDay : return number of news of those much day before from a website
    get-today-news + link : return today news of that site
    get-all-news : return all news
    get-news-for-web-site + link : return all news of that site
    search-title : search in title of newses
    search-article : search in article of newses
    search : search in both article and title of newses


first nimbo2 project to read rss






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