CoAPthon is a python 2.7 library to the CoAP protocol compliant with the RFC. Branch is available for the Twisted framework.
For python 3 please visit
If you use CoAPthon software in your research, please cite:
G.Tanganelli, C. Vallati, E.Mingozzi, "CoAPthon: Easy Development of CoAP-based IoT Applications with Python", IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2015)
Software available at
- CoAP server
- CoAP client
- CoAP to CoAP Forward proxy
- CoAP to CoAP Reverse Proxy
- HTTP to CoAP Forward Proxy
- CoAP to HTTP/HTTPS Forward Proxy
- Caching feature
- Observe feature
- CoRE Link Format parsing
- Multicast server discovery
- Blockwise feature
- DTLS support
To install the library you need the pip program:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo yum install python-pip
$ sudo pacman -S python-pip
$ sudo pip install CoAPthon
$ git clone
$ cd CoAPthon
$ python sdist
$ sudo pip install dist/CoAPthon-4.0.2.tar.gz -r requirements.txt
The library is installed in the default path as well as the bins that you can use and customize. In order to start the example CoAP server issue:
$ sudo pip uninstall CoAPthon
Log through ssh to the Yun and issue the following:
# opkg update #updates the available packages list
# opkg install distribute #it contains the easy_install command line tool
# opkg install python-openssl #adds ssl support to python
# easy_install pip #installs pip
Then you need to modify the and comment the line conditionalExtensions=getExtensions(). Then :
# python build_py build_scripts install --skip-build
To use Resource Directory functionalities, you need to install mongoDB database following the official documentation.
Then you need to configure Resource Directory database. Start mongod process and open a mongo shell. In mongo shell use these commands:
> use resourceDirectory
> db.createUser( {user: "RD",pwd: "res-dir",roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "resourceDirectory" } ] } )
> db.resources.createIndex( { "ep": 1, "d": 1 }, { unique: true } )
You can change user, password and database name in the commands above. If you change some parameters, then you must change them also in mongoDB parameters in coapthon/ file where you will find also the path for your mongoDB configuration file. The default configuration file is /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf.
In order to implements a CoAP server the basic class must be extended. Moreover the server must add some resources.
from coapthon.server.coap import CoAP
from exampleresources import BasicResource
class CoAPServer(CoAP):
def __init__(self, host, port):
CoAP.__init__(self, (host, port))
self.add_resource('basic/', BasicResource())
def main():
server = CoAPServer("", 5683)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Server Shutdown"
print "Exiting..."
if __name__ == '__main__':
Resources are extended from the class resource.Resource. Simple examples can be found in
from coapthon.resources.resource import Resource
class BasicResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, name="BasicResource", coap_server=None):
super(BasicResource, self).__init__(name, coap_server, visible=True,
observable=True, allow_children=True)
self.payload = "Basic Resource"
def render_GET(self, request):
return self
def render_PUT(self, request):
self.payload = request.payload
return self
def render_POST(self, request):
res = BasicResource()
res.location_query = request.uri_query
res.payload = request.payload
return res
def render_DELETE(self, request):
return True
To always reply following the separate mode:
from coapthon.resources.resource import Resource
class Separate(Resource):
def __init__(self, name="Separate", coap_server=None):
super(Separate, self).__init__(name, coap_server, visible=True, observable=True, allow_children=True)
self.payload = "Separate"
self.max_age = 60
def render_GET(self, request):
return self, self.render_GET_separate
def render_GET_separate(self, request):
return self
def render_POST(self, request):
return self, self.render_POST_separate
def render_POST_separate(self, request):
self.payload = request.payload
return self
def render_PUT(self, request):
return self, self.render_PUT_separate
def render_PUT_separate(self, request):
self.payload = request.payload
return self
def render_DELETE(self, request):
return self, self.render_DELETE_separate
def render_DELETE_separate(self, request):
return True
Resources can be implemented also through a more advanced interface.
class AdvancedResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, name="Advanced"):
super(AdvancedResource, self).__init__(name)
self.payload = "Advanced resource"
def render_GET_advanced(self, request, response):
response.payload = self.payload
response.max_age = 20
response.code = defines.Codes.CONTENT.number
return self, response
def render_POST_advanced(self, request, response):
self.payload = request.payload
from coapthon.messages.response import Response
assert(isinstance(response, Response))
response.payload = "Response changed through POST"
response.code = defines.Codes.CREATED.number
return self, response
def render_PUT_advanced(self, request, response):
self.payload = request.payload
from coapthon.messages.response import Response
assert(isinstance(response, Response))
response.payload = "Response changed through PUT"
response.code = defines.Codes.CHANGED.number
return self, response
def render_DELETE_advanced(self, request, response):
response.payload = "Response deleted"
response.code = defines.Codes.DELETED.number
return True, response
class AdvancedResourceSeparate(Resource):
def __init__(self, name="Advanced"):
super(AdvancedResourceSeparate, self).__init__(name)
self.payload = "Advanced resource"
def render_GET_advanced(self, request, response):
return self, response, self.render_GET_separate
def render_POST_advanced(self, request, response):
return self, response, self.render_POST_separate
def render_PUT_advanced(self, request, response):
return self, response, self.render_PUT_separate
def render_DELETE_advanced(self, request, response):
return self, response, self.render_DELETE_separate
def render_GET_separate(self, request, response):
response.payload = self.payload
response.max_age = 20
return self, response
def render_POST_separate(self, request, response):
self.payload = request.payload
response.payload = "Response changed through POST"
return self, response
def render_PUT_separate(self, request, response):
self.payload = request.payload
response.payload = "Response changed through PUT"
return self, response
def render_DELETE_separate(self, request, response):
response.payload = "Response deleted"
return True, response
from coapthon.client.helperclient import HelperClient
host = ""
port = 5683
path ="basic"
client = HelperClient(server=(host, port))
response = client.get(path)
print response.pretty_print()
You can start a CoRE Resource Directory server using ResourceDirectory class as follows:
from coapthon.resource_directory.resourceDirectory import ResourceDirectory
def main():
server = ResourceDirectory("", 5683)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Server Shutdown"
print "Exiting..."
if __name__ == '__main__':
def main():
host = ""
port = 5683
client = HelperClient(server=(host, port))
# Test discover
path = "/.well-known/core"
response = client.get(path)
print response.pretty_print()
# Create a registration resource
path = "rd?ep=node1&con=coap://"
ct = {'content_type': defines.Content_types["application/link-format"]}
payload = '</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt="temperature-c";if="sensor";anchor="coap://",' \
response =, payload, None, None, **ct)
location_path = response.location_path
print response.pretty_print()
# Resource lookup
path = 'rd-lookup/res?if=sensor'
response = client.get(path)
print response.pretty_print()
# Update a registration resource
path = location_path + "?con=coaps://"
response =, '')
print response.pretty_print()
# Read endpoint links
path = location_path
response = client.get(path)
print response.pretty_print()
# Endpoint lookup
path = 'rd-lookup/ep?et=oic.d.sensor'
response = client.get(path)
print response.pretty_print()
# Delete a registration resource
path = location_path
response = client.delete(path)
print response.pretty_print()
The documentation is based on the Sphinx framework. In order to build the documentation issue the following:
$ pip install Sphinx
$ cd CoAPthon/docs
$ make html
The documentation will be build in CoAPthon/docs/build/html. Let's start from index.html to have an overview of the library.