NOTE - the content of this repository is kept available for archive, but we have a better instrument design released in 2021, see: .
This is the repository for the 'waves in ice' instrument developed in this work:
An open source, versatile, affordable waves in ice instrument for scientific measurements in the Polar Regions
Jean Rabault, Graig Sutherland, Olav Gundersen, Atle Jensen, Aleksey Marchenko, Øyvind Breivik
(preprint available here: ).
- PCB_electronics: details about the electronics boards.
- DevelopmentCode: code for the different components of the loggers.
- ElectronicsList: some bookkeeping of which components I need to buy to assemble. May be outdated.
- SeedOPL: the Seeed studios standard library. Could be used for putting the components on PCB from factory, not used now.
Quite a lot of cleaning and more detailed readmes is needed. This will happen as time goes and new series of instruments get built. If you have any questions, open an issue and / or feel free to contact me at